Glyph of Flurry

Changes [Flurry]'s default visual, to now appear as lightning.


Is this an idea of yours or something that was added?

100% agree

Enhance is too visually cluttered as it is, and it takes me out of the fantasy when our hands glow red and all warrior-like.


Just an idea i had :slight_smile:

Just change it to this in general. No need for a glyph, the red doesn’t make any sense. Or, if they’re going to do the glyph route, make it 4 glyphs. One for each element Enhance uses; Lightning, Fire, Earth or Frost.


Honestly Flurry just adds more passive rng to a spec that already has too much passive rng IMO. It would be cool if it was replaced with something like unleash doom, from the Doomhammer Artifact.

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