Glyph of Faeline Stomp

Any tips on grinding out Wild Hunt rep these days? I really want the glyph on my MoP Remix monk, and have gotten as far as going back to SL and joining the NF but this grind is looking like a nightmare. 125 rep from world quests, including one where you have to weaken but not kill mobs (tons of fun as level 80).

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Your glyph was yummy !

Last I checked and that was in the beta of this expansion the glyph was bugged anyway. It would make your faeline go all wonky and sometimes not be in the direction you needed it.

So besides being cool blue it was actually a step back from the current Jade Fire aka Aztec Snake Stomp (I really hate the graphic Blizzard could have made it actually look like a dragon but instead made it an Aztec Snake).

I actually rolled a monk specifically to use faeline stomp. I thought it was the coolest looking spell effect in the game.