Glyph of Cheetah isn't working

my worgen druid has the glyph of cheetah but I get the stag form as travel form

Did you apply the appearance in the barber shop after using the glyph? The process changed a bit with SL pre-patch.

I had that glyph for years now. Do you mean I have to do something in the barber shop on top of that to get it to work?

I’m not sure if it would have reset anything if you already had it, but I would go check just to be sure. Instead of matching your hair color, or having to apply and erase glyphs every time you want to change, etc, you can now customize each druid form separately in the barber shop options. If that doesn’t fix it, then you would most likely be dealing with a bug. The glyph tooltip now states “unlocks the cheetah travel form in the barber shop,” which means it would unlock the use of it, but not immediately apply the appearance.