Glyph of Chameleon - Ursol/Feral Skin Bug

I’m not sure if this is working as intended… or a bug.

In the Shadowlands pre-patch these glyphs now cycle through all available forms, which is awesome!

While on feral, with the Glyph of the Feral Chameleon active, and in combat with the target dummy, the skin is frequently changing while using your abilities. The overall effect is really f***ing cool IMO.

If you just stand still and/or auto-attack the change doesn’t happen.

Likewise when you’re running around it will periodically change the form.

This also happens with the Ursol Chameleon glyph as well, minus I don’t think it triggers changes during combat.

I’m assuming this is a bug, but seriously Blizz if it is then please keep it! LOL


Looks like this is a bug when you’re wearing your old Legion Artifact weapons + with Glyph of the Ursol/Feral Chameleon.

It’s actually amazing. They need to make this how this Glyph actually works because it’s legit awesomesauce. LOL


Really? I gotta try that!

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You hear that? The sirens are getting closer. Sounds like the fun police are coming.


Have you found a way to turn this off? I only wanted to use my artifact form, but now I’m stuck chameleon.

As far as I can tell, the constant chameleon effect while in combat/moving around only happens if you’ve equipped your Legion artifact weapon + have the chameleon glyph.

I personally think this is super rad, especially when in combat on Feral.

That said, if you don’t have your Legion weapon equipped, and you do have the Chameleon glyph on it is 100% going to override the artifact skin you set and cycle through random skins. The only way to stop that would to be to remove the glyph.