Glowy eyes. Why remove them?

Last one looks best IMHO.
There was no real reason for that glow except of their design at the time and simply not revising it.

I get DK’s or DH’s but Night Elves never made sense for me to have that glow.

Bring it back as an option, I’m not against that.

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I think it’s because they look more believable and less tacked on now with design improvements.

But by all means bring back the effect as a barbershop option :hugs:


Roll a DK for burning eyes :slight_smile:

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It’s the nose ring. All the glow goo leaked out.


I actually did roll another nelf dk semi recently. Just not quite the same as the flashlights. The variant from Legion was my favorite.

That was part of the initial draw I had to night elves and forsaken, I think? The mysticism and otherworldly aura they just had baseline.

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Maybe redefining them artistically per setting.

The glowing eyes effect, or rather the bleed-over from said eyes was due to constant irritation in Elven eyes. A long standing source of discomfort amongst the people, for a very long time there was no treatment.

Fortunately, after decades of research, the makers of Visine finally came out with a formula that, unlike previous version, was not a hyper-allergy trigger in Elves, and so the people of the Forests can finally have eyes that don’t over shine, are not itchy and dry, and most importantly do not shrivel up into tiny husks resembling six year old raisins (as previous formulae tended to cause).

Visine. Get the extra light out.


The old glow was literally a light bulb infront your character eyes.

I find it annoying, i am glad they change it but i know people who like it.

Obviously your GPU isn’t updated with flashlight eye ray tracing

Perhaps her separation from Elune in Ardenweald did it. I recall in the cinematic after she made her choice of redemption and not vengeance, the final scene showed her eyes. I don’t think they were glowy there either.

Imagine having eyes lol


They still glow. No more refrigerator light eyes.

Why you had to remind me of night elf old faces? I’m in pain, cause they were so much better :sob:


Same happened for Blood Elves. Wish there were a toggle for those who still prefer the glow.

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Night elves need to light up . Turn your brain on elves and start being smart for once. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think Sylvie did that for them already.

Cuz the game blows at every level and is run by two or three teenagers?

Ya, its that bad rn