Glowing eyes in the "Wisdom of the "Warchief" 👀

counterquestion, does anyone really cares about nathanos?
if sylvanas is not getting kerrigan’d, (that is the garbage that pretty much everyone expects) then it would be a pleasant surprise to find out that she isn’t getting randomly reedemed.

and nathanos hasn’t really have done much other than killing sira or raising some corpses,oh and helping with teldrassil, but he isn’t the maximum responsible for it.

He showed horror at Teldrassil which is similar to Kerrigan’s reaction to Mensk’s abuse of the Psi Emitters on two Planets. Kerrigan personally helped deploy the Psi Emitter on the first planet while Duke did the second one

The notion of Duke makes me wonder where Kel’Thuzad is at the moment
 Not to mention what Ashvane’s role is(both Kel’Thuzad and Ashvane are Humans and thus capable of being WoW’s General Duke).

Someone will read this without having read the source material and think it’s true. That’s what makes me saddest.


I recall he has a moment of hesitation, where Sylvanas turns around and says: “Are you deaf? Did I stutter?” , and Saurfang says Nathanos’s eyes were wider than he had ever seen them.

Whether that is showing horror, or something else, (initial stages of hesitation and doubt?) idk. Nathanos “showing horror” at any events, so far, seems like an overstatement and exaggeration.


In my opinion Nathanos’ look he gives Sylvanas in that moment she ordered them to burn Teldrassil could mean one of two things:

First Option: It was just a general “WTF?” look because that wasnt the plan. He gives her a look of confusion merely because the plan was to hold Teldrassil hostage and burning it down gives away that valuable bargaining chip. He’s confused by her sudden change of intent and hesitates for a moment.

Second Option: He actually was shocked by her ruthlessness. Not only is she throwing away the bargaining chip that was the whole point of the plan, but committing genocide and dragging the Horde into what will be a war of vengeance for the Alliance. In the short story where we learn about how he got his new body, it seems to allude to him now having the makings of what may become those pesky things we call “the feels”. Perhaps he really was horrified by her saying “BURN IT” for a second there, realizing he’s about to murder children and innocents, but internally says “for the Dark Lady
” and goes through with it as he always does for her.

On Topic: I have no clue whose eyes those are but this mystery is becoming one of my favorites. I’m almost assuredly going to be disappointed when its revealed.

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He did

"Have you forgotten your humiliation on the Broken Shore? How your mighty Warchief was stuck in the belly like a helpless piglet? Will you die slowly as he did, consumed by fel corruption and squealing for a merciful end?

Your pathetic Horde will fall to dust. In the end, death will inherit this world
 and she will be waiting."

In the context of the fight, I think She is the Titan Azeroth.

In the Mythic phase, we get these quotes

“Behold the shadow of what is to come, the endless darkness that shall consume your world.”

And this quote is in a Phase of the fight that is titled “Visions of the Dark Titan” Which could be Sargaras, but it could have a double meaning for a corrupted Azeroth.

“Gaze upon the inevitable end of all you know
 all you fought for!”
" He will
 yet claim
 this titan

I’m stretching a little bit, but Azeroth is a “She” and I am not sure who else he could be talking about. Except maybe Sylvanas or Elune, both are playing large roles in BFA.

Also, I just realized that the fight with Gul’dan Mirrors the fight with Illidan from TBC, and Gul’dan even shares the same lines. Both Gul’dan and Illidan say the following voice lines during their fight:

" Feel the power
 of the demon within!"
“Behold the flames of Azzinoth!”
“You are not prepared!”
" Was that all the fury you could muster?"

Maybe this is just because Illidan absorbed Gul’dan’s power and his memories
 or maybe this means something more sinister
 During that fight, Illidan’s body was without his soul
 How can we be sure that the Illidan we met was the true Illidan?

 this quote is very telling that Gul’dan knew something that we did not.

“death will inherit this world
 and she will be waiting.”

As a side note, apparently he’s been suffering some “side-effects” since Sylvanas forced him to take his new body. According to the end of Dark Mirror, by being fused to the cousin that was sacrificed for his higher-tier undead form 
 he’s begun experiencing feelings and sensations he hasn’t felt since he was alive. Most notably a pang of regret over his cousin’s death, and he’s reacquired a pretty reasonable sense of smell again (for better or worse on the latter).

He outright questioned Sylvie in “BtS”; he was unusually quiet and pensive when Sylvanas ordered him to take the shot and destroy his home (Lordaeron); and he seemed shocked by her decision to burn “Teldrassil”. There is something there 
 no idea what it is yet. However, it would be kind of funny if the body she forced upon him ultimately is what results in him breaking free of her control. :slight_smile:


Isn’t that the same pair of glowing eyes on one of the legion buildings? I was trying to remember where I saw it and I’m sure it was all over the place in areas with BL structures. Only they were green there. I mean it could just be Blizzard reusing an asset and there’s nothing to this line of thought.

“The Light struck a bargain with the true enemy.”

Light and the Legion, perhaps? Xe’ra being killed by Illidan might of had more repercussions than we realize. This could mean that Sargaras and The Light have a mutual enemy in Illidan.

I am not sure if I like that theory, but it’s a theory. It still doesn’t answer who this mysterious “She” is, mentioned by Gul’dan.

Death ties into Bwonsamdi, and Vol’jin, who died. Bwonsamdi’s boss
 but Bwonsamdi does not listen or does not answer to Vol’jin
 So it may not be this “Boss” we hear about, unless that Boss is keeping Vol’jinn hidden from Bwonsamdi. Or Bwonsamdi is willfully ignoring him

What “She” is associated with death?

- Helya and Eyir have stake in Sylvanas
 They might be working against each other, each with their own pawns.
Sylvanas - Varimathras warned us
 He and Gul’dan were both servants of the Burning Legion. What did the Legion know that we don’t? How did they know? Is this something Illidan will learn from Sargaras?
Elune? - (Blood Moon appears where Bwonsamdi is)
Azeroth? - (Mentioned that she is dying in The Speaker comic. Old Gods clamed to have corrupted her heart
 we carry The Heart of Azeroth)

Golden Eyes
 Azerite is gold. So that could be associated with Azeroth herself. Eyir is Gold. Maybe the Light Stuck a Bargin with the True enemy means Eyir and Helya are working together for
 reasons? Or they have at least stuck some sort of Bargain. Xe’ra said Illidan had “Light in his eyes”.

There are so many things it could be.

Edit: “She” could also be Xal’atath. It is rumored that she, herself is the remnant of an Old God. And she is up to something, clearly. She is not Gold though.

This ‘true enemy of
’ talk, everyone points to death. Isn’t death part of the natural cycle, though? Not really an enemy, imo. Wouldn’t a truer enemy of all or of life be undeath because it’s unnatural?

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Could be, I think people point at death because The Whispers that made the claim of “The True enemy” said that Death is the end of all things and all possibilities.

But yes, I believe Elune is a deity associated with the natural relationship of Life and Death, personified as The Mother Moon and The Night Warrior, and represented by her phases.

And it would see Sylvanas serves Undeath far more than death itself, and shows no interest in preserving the natural sanctity of death.

Well, IF undeath is the true enemy, why would the Light strike a bargain with her? The Lich King still controls the majority of the undead on Azeroth. :thinking:

I just went to Bolvar’s Wowpedia page, and it seems like he was a Paladin before he was the Lich King

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We cracked the code! Our theory is #1, all other theories are #2 or lower!

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The Comic only said Sylvanas serves the true enemy not that she serves the forces of Death

The agents of Death(Bwomsamdi who has a boss and Bolvar who sits on the anchor between the physical realm and the realm of Death) say she disrupts the Balance
 Agent of Light Eyrir on the other hand merely says that the Hand of Valor doesn’t mess with mortal politics.

The true enemy might very well be any cosmic Force whether it be Light(in which case the enemy of all is just a term for Sylvanas), Arcane(it has a realm as shown by Aluneth), Life(we know that Sporemounds will consume everything if left unchecked), Void(not all Void Lords are on the same page), Death(obviously not on the side of Bwomsamdi’s Boss) or Fel(“Bound by dat throne? No! Free! Free!”).