Can any experienced mages in Hardcore tell me if its worth it for its stats intead of the ZF Staff?
I want to get it for the stam really, since my gear is mostly SP.
Since its hardcore, I couldnt find any “opinion” on that
Edit: my mage just turned 50.
You can use wowhead (make sure to click classic section) and search for items via stats/level/type/ect) For what you’re interested in use this: wowhead com/classic/items/weapons/staves/max-req-level:50?filter=22:23;1:1;0:0#items;0-15+21
Staff ZF > glowing staff
21 sp > 19 int (~0.25 crit, 285 mana) 5 stam (50hp)
For aoe - glowing better. Sp no improvement your aoe.