Glorious Tyranny Enchant from MOP should be an illusion just as much as account wide glad mounts are coming in shadowlands!

no doubt, definitely a good addition

lets get it!!

100p, it’s so wack we can only use the scrolls on lower lvl weapons and not have the illusion

pump this thread, it’s a must this happens

1million% we would love it

blizz please implement this, i would love to be able to use this illusion as I only can use it on alts atm with since i still have a ton of the scrolls

yes, please, blizz. This is a very reasonable ask

I mean… I have 3 Mistwalkers and would really like the title on all of my characters. That doesn’t mean Blizzard will care enough to make it account wide.

ivy has no clue what they are talking about, we need this blizz

we need this

So if you earned it on one toon you can’t mog it on another like you can with the SL ench?

Still bumping this…

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big up to the bump

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Bump. Where’s our illusion?

bumping again

It’s crazy to me that the most authentically positive post I’ve ever seen on GD with a huge post count has had no recognition from Blizzard.

Agreed. I have not seen such a solid, and cohesive set of threads (there are at least 5 with 1000s of posts) about such a simple fix be ignored.

It’s an easy win to gain a bit more positive PR and retain/renew some more subs. But it also pays for itself with the time/money GMs spend dealing with tickets on the matter!

I have the enchant scrolls as well as have multiple weapons enchanted. I have the 2200 achievement in 3s and RBGs which was all that was required for the enchant. The enchant is what inspired me to do pvp to begin with, and I finally got it. Using the scroll as currency or showing the weapon enchant in game to a GM, or even showing proof of the 2200 achieve are fantastic suggestions that I hope Blizz will finally one day care enough to implement.

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Support post

Still have spirit of conquest enchant scroll in my bags :sob:

I’m bumping this thread back up too top. No way I’m letting this die.

Please Blizzard unlock it for us all who earned the achievement back in mop for dragonflight.