Global Maintenance Wed Oct 6th

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Sounds spooky, skynet inc?

Black ops season 6!!! Hype

If they accidentally brick something & wipe out 50% of player characters from the database I’m gonna lol

Lets watch them pull a Thanos

O sheesh, gotta log in to get my auctions and let my sub lapse :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
What is up with these ‘more frequent’ maintenances like these.

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fruit takeover incoming.


I for one welcome our new fructose overlords.



Also the servers aren’t going down, you just might have trouble logging in if you’re not already logged in when they’re doing it.

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The plan is for 15-30 minutes, so I automatically expect the worst and assume these things will take much longer.

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It’s almost always less than they say. Not sure why people think otherwise.

Oh, conflicting reports I guess which makes sense for my confusion.
Glad it’s an ‘infrastructure upgrade’.

Edit: Thanks for pasting that blue post part.
I don’t keep up all the time with that.

“Almost always” being the key words here.

Don’t worry, they’re just banning inappropriate tags.


Don’t be ascared! It just two peaches and a banana or whatever they placed in a painting so it wouldn’t be sexual.

Time to head to Twitter then. This just got real.

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