Glittering prizes; PvP hacks

I’m noticing several phenomena in pvp combat that don’t seem to follow the games mechanics. Some of these can happen randomly, but the frequency that they occur causes them to appear to be software driven.

  1. Players are instantly casting a crowd control ability the split second you cast an ability.
  2. The death knight ability Strangulate is causing precognition to activate for enemy casters, and the silence effect is negated(where they don’t have precognition active before Strangulate is cast and no interrupt was attempted).
  3. Some times there is a very brief split-second delay when you cast a crowd control ability at an enemy player. It should activate because it was cast while they were on the global cool down for their spells, but it doesn’t. Instead, they suffer zero effects, the brief pause ensues, and their crowd control ability overrides yours.
  4. Sometimes spells are completely negated. I’ve hit enemies that were at 5% health and they take no damage when they don’t have any dmg absorbs or mortality defense ability active. I’ve cast a crowd control ability at an enemy and it didn’t do anything to them when they didn’t have a diminishing return active for the spell category, nor should they have been immune to it.
  5. Enemies are seeming to gain more spell uses for certain spells than the game would otherwise allow them to have for use within the spells time window.
  6. Hunters are feigning death the split second you cast an ability at them, and they feign death multiple times in a row to drop focus. Sometimes they are not targetable for up to five seconds in a row, as they’ll keep dropping your focus. Rogues are doing the same thing.

There is a glitch where when a hunter feigns death and you have action targeting active, you can’t actively target them unless you use a keybind to re-target them.