It’s a broken record, dead horse, groundhog day topic, but I’d like Blizzard to put more effort into making all the capitals viable hangouts. All cities should have the same amenities - Auction house, banks, transmog vendors, barbers, Darkmoon Faire reps, a sensible and culturally appropriate range of portals, including those to current content, functional harbors, subways or airports, trainers, profession tables, assorted vendors and quest reps for other cities to represent trade and travel, beggars, street kiosks and street food vendors, Trading Post, Brawlers Guild, and Trial of Style. All of it in every city.
Also, I think it would be great to give every character a hearth or teleport to their racial capital. This could be in addition to the regular hearth, but would always be available.
Further, rested EXP should accrue twice as fast and twice as much if you rest in your racial capital, to encourage players to use their racial capitals.
Items should also cost less if you buy them in your racial capital, from equipment repairs to foodstuffs.
Give every city a Renown system, make them World Quest hubs, and let players of any faction earn Renown with any city. Instead of just making capital cities neutral, let players of opposing faction earn their way in by maxing Renown. This of course would be a gateway to more cross-faction transmog and mounts, etc. or whatever!