Glineas NEEDS RESTED XP, Flight Path & Portal From SW

It’s a broken record, dead horse, groundhog day topic, but I’d like Blizzard to put more effort into making all the capitals viable hangouts. All cities should have the same amenities - Auction house, banks, transmog vendors, barbers, Darkmoon Faire reps, a sensible and culturally appropriate range of portals, including those to current content, functional harbors, subways or airports, trainers, profession tables, assorted vendors and quest reps for other cities to represent trade and travel, beggars, street kiosks and street food vendors, Trading Post, Brawlers Guild, and Trial of Style. All of it in every city.

Also, I think it would be great to give every character a hearth or teleport to their racial capital. This could be in addition to the regular hearth, but would always be available.

Further, rested EXP should accrue twice as fast and twice as much if you rest in your racial capital, to encourage players to use their racial capitals.

Items should also cost less if you buy them in your racial capital, from equipment repairs to foodstuffs.

Give every city a Renown system, make them World Quest hubs, and let players of any faction earn Renown with any city. Instead of just making capital cities neutral, let players of opposing faction earn their way in by maxing Renown. This of course would be a gateway to more cross-faction transmog and mounts, etc. or whatever!


Fly just outside the north city gate and there is the Forsaken army still arrayed for battle.

It makes the place more viable for living in, as well as gives it value for all Alliance players who have no other quick access to the region and often want it for holiday events, etc.

I realize that the Mechagnomes don’t really exist in the zeitgeist, but after their heritage questline the Gnomes move into their city and, yes, there are portals.

That’s a good point, why doesn’t Gilneas have a harbor, or at least a dock?

Also Gilneas and Bel’ameth need mage teleports/mage portals

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After that vomit inducing series of quests, I dread what else they have in store and pray it’s left on the cutting room floor.

Yeah, Gilneas needs to receive the Korhal treatment next time it shows up.

I think this was meant to the village in the south, who has not rested exp.

Just give it time. It’s clear from the Undercity and Bel’Ameth storylines that they’re doing this type of story more slowly, and I think that’s the right move. With 10.2.5 we saw the reclamation, with 10.2.6 or 10.2.7 we’ll probably see some progress on fixing and developing the city. Wait a couple patches, and if it’s not fixed then that’s the time to complain.

Now though? The people in world haven’t had time to set a lot up and it makes a ton of sense from an immersion standpoint that it takes time. Personally, I really dislike the storytelling style where stuff is just suddenly built and ready once we arrive and kill a handful of goons. They way they’ve been doing it lately feels much more natural and I applaud they’re efforts.

Having just done the Worgen starting area, I was pretty surprised to see actual Sylvanus there- in the thick of things-with her banners all over the war machinery ( catapults, cannon ) that were used to flood, bomb, massacre, decimate the area… yet Blizzard puts her banners up in the retaken city??? So weird.

That would be Stormglen, which is the second picture I posted.

They perhaps they have already hotfixed this. I do remember not getting rested EXP there. I wonder if they have changed the 7th Legion NPC there as well.

Who the hell is spending time in Gilneas except some role players?


Drama, thy name is worgen.

Would have to have a very high tolerance for garbage to call it anything less, frankly.
That it caps off the excellent Worgen starting zone and Silverpine quests only makes it that much worse.

The best part of Gilneas are the doors leading to tiny empty rooms in the market area.

I wish there was Flightmaster and Portal from Stormwind. Gilneas as a City feels kind of empty without People wondering around it.

Since there’s a truce in place, why not make it sort of like Dalaran, and have portals to Orgrimmar, Stormwind, and Dalaran? Make it a diplomatic centre. Still Gilnean, but hosting a WoW equivalent to the UN, like New York does.

As always they half-did alliance content while giving 100% towards horde content.

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No offense, but Worgen and Night Elves have every reason to keep the Horde at bay. Yet, it’s precisely their cities that are neutral. How about for a change, a few Horde cities become neutral? The Alliance aided the Blood Elves with their Sunwell. Otherwise, it wouldn’t even exist anymore. They liberated Orgrimmar twice. They aided the Nightborne and the Highmountain Tauren. None of that is officially neutral.