Gem hoards cooldown reduction not affecting any cooldown time.
I came to second this. Got the trait today to reduce the cooldown by 50%, and it didn’t impact the cooldown at all. I even checked to see if the cooldown was progressing faster, but that’s not the case either
It is a shame, so much time and knowledge wasted.
Also experiencing this bug. If we could respec it wouldn’t be so annoying, but as is that’s a ton of wasted points.
I hope this is fixed soon. It feels like one of the main selling points of choosing this path.
I am also seeing this issue.
Still bugged… comon blizzard fix this already or give us a way to respect our knowledge for bugged traits at least.
1 weekly reset and still not fixed. I cannot believe this got over blizzard’s head.
It doesn’t work with any of the gem hoard cooldowns
Yep, still not seeing anything for Timewatcher’s or for Dragon’s Heart.
Same, this is super annoying and frustrating. Any blues looking into this yet?
ETA: Huh. Not sure why it posted with the random DK i made just for the mount…
It’s a bit disappointing to see all these other JC hotfixes and yet nothing about the glassware issue.
Really sucks having invested 45+ knowledge points to have the only way to increase my jc skill past 80 be on a 3 day CD. Can’t gain skillups any faster due to the way knowledge is locked (and I can’t get more to spend), and right now I can’t even touch an entire specialization tree for ~60 days because of this.
waste of knowledge. if i knew i would have gone for another build instead of gemhoarder.
Was hoping to see some Blizz response to this from Blizz, but guess we’ll have to wait till next year.
Bumping, i have this issue too.
26 days this has been reported, no blue response nor fix neither.