Gladiator's Medallion for Shadowlands Prepatch 9.0.1?

Hi, I’ve been searching sites like wowhead trying to find out how we can obtain a Gladiator’s Medallion in preparation for or during the PTR patch. The only one I can think of is the heirloom trinket. Has anyone already figured this out?

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Are they planning to have Adaptation and Relentless trinkets or just the standard Gladiator’s Medallion? Guess we will have to wait and see.

Was just in a bg and had my medallion on from arenas instead of adaption and it was just stunfest. As a healer in bgs I feel like we get far more cc thrown our way and adaption is such an awesome feature. Love medallions for arena. I’d be ok with adaptation in sl

Shes not there, thats the funny part.

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You play horde…

Make a Orc duh.

Lol adapt as a healer.

Time to dust off my WoD trinket! I knew this day would come…


Well, if it makes you feel any better, player characters seem to be missing too…

Where do you get the trinket from?

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Thanks … level 68 ?

What the hell

Looking at GD, I’m slightly concerned about how the release for the actual expansion is going to go.

I guess we’ll be beta testing on live for the next few months?

All the BFA training led up to this very moment.

Are you prepared?


BG queues are broken .

Edit :- And Fire Mages are atrocious … something is broken with them .

For ally so far there’s 2 vendors that have them:
Alice Fischer: Stormwind 74 67 Champion’s Hall (her I don’t see on wowhead at all though rn)
Marshal Frazier: Boralus 56 27 Salt and Shanty (his wowhead sell list hasn’t been updated yet

And yes they are level 68. Oof… =\

Shh… BG forum secret:

What a lousy solution! This is just another crap barrier for new players that makes the game suck. Just at least make the basic “trinket” feature baseline for everyone. Starting out on a new account, I can say the barriers to playing at a competitive level are very prohibitive. I’m ready to cancel already. I never thought they’d make the game this regressive.

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You can’t afford the 800g?

Where do even get the trinkets nowadays? Also, this seems like a stupid thing.

I will give you 800 gold if you can’t afford it .

You get it at the place where the PvP vendors are in SW , I am not very familiar with alliance so I don’t know the name . You also get it from the guy who sells third wind potions etc in Boralus . He is sitting behind the desk in that shack where you get the PvP quests.

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