“Bruddahs an’ sistahs o’ de Horde!” a voice rang out amongst the crowd in the Valley of Strength. The jungle troll known as Zalaaji raised his arms as he continued. “I speak o’ de Jakaro Loa, an’ we be offerin’ a chance o’ greatness, a chance o’ glory! Open te all ou’ bruddahs an’ sistahs in arms, de arena be givin’ a chance te line ya pockets an’ prove ya honour!”
“Travel te ou’ ancient ‘omeland, de jungles o’ Stranglethorn, an’ seek out me tribe! If ya be wantin’ te fight, de arena be callin’ ya! No matta what be drivin’ ya - be it glory, honour, or de desire for gold - ya be havin’ a chancete prove te all ya bruddahs an’ sistahs just what ya can do! Fight well, children o’ de Horde, an’ may de spirits watch ya wit’ der favour!”
The Arena of the Jakaro Loa returns! Starting on February 10th, our Arena will be hosted on the second Sunday of the month. Playing off the non-instanced Zul’Gurub as the ancient city of Zul’Alor, the arena can be found sitting on the far eastern wall of our city.
Starting at 8:00 PM server time, we will begin gathering at the arena’s entrance. Gladiators and spectators alike will be given a few minutes to filter in and ready themselves whilst we prepare the brackets.
Once the brackets are set, the Jakaro Loa will call the fighters for each match and they will partake in one versus one duels for victory! But do not worry, we aren’t expecting you to all fight without a reward, although we know some may enjoy brawling simply for the honour of it! No, we have various prizes with their own Trollish influence, ranging from simple pets and transmogs to the grand prize of a Bwonsamdi-blessed raptor (the bone-white primal raptor mount) and five thousand gold! Should you find yourself already having a specific reward, you are welcome to pass it on to a friend or to speak with me after and we can discuss substitutions!
In the arena, we have a few rules.
Should you leave the bounds of the arena, your opponent will be ruled as the victor - and it is a legal move for your opponent knock you out of the arena zone to win, so be ever cautious of your position!
All fighting is to be done within the bounds of the arena - never amongst the spectators - likewise spectators are requested to keep clear of the fighting zone.
To keep things fair, all combatants must be level 120 - we don’t want to see it being a 120 vs a 70 or something!
And finally, please keep to the OOC rule of common courtesy and respect.
Right now, the event is open to all of our friends and allies here on the Horde. Unfortunately, we do not presently have it open to the Alliance due to a few variables, but that said, depending on how things go, we may look into opening it to gladiators on both sides down the line!
If you wish to learn more, feel free to make a post here and we’ll get back to you quickly enough! In addition, you can also reach out to me anytime in the game under the name of Zalaaji, or on Discord under the name of Atoxkal#1967.
Best of luck to any who seek to prove themselves in the arena! Fight well, and for the Horde!