Gladiator warrior will be good in p3

So you’re going to play a build that MIGHT be okayish sustained damage in a meta where people die in 3-5 seconds. Rogues are also still killing people in a stunlock if you have nothing to answer it.

If Glad Stance is good, I’ll eat my shorts. I just don’t see it with how things scale in classic. It’ll be annoying for a healer if you can stick to them, that’s about it. You’ll still die just as quickly as before.

Why? Glad Stance will already allow Charge and Intercept.

You can’t charge in combat.

Warbringer also clears roots.

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Thats the point.

I was slapping people in battle stance with ss all day.

Imagine when i can get procs to do more!

Not /thread.

Ngl, my lvl 25 warrior is looking more and more tempting the dust off for the next phase.

I’m just a Hunter main, so it’s gonna take everything for me to abandon my favorite class.

I remember Shield-Slam critting people in WoD with Gladiator Stance, and I would not mind doing that again.

Glad stance is noob bait.

You’re not gonna be doing nearly the dmg as a geared arms warrior in PvP(which already isnt much at all by SOD standards) and you’re still going to die in 2-3 globals which makes all that CC ability not worth it.

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lol. let them think gladiator stance will be good i guess :expressionless: cute little rascals. you go have fun shield smashin people

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Theres no guessing.

not a warr expert but it seems like in glad stance u get access to more abilities but u have to wield a 1h and shield which nerfs your damage and u also get -30% armor from the stance itself?

is it good for pvp even as is?

I don’t know why my post disappeared all I said was that gladiator stance isn’t going to do near the dmg as arms in PvP(which is already pretty low by SoD standards) and that you’ll still die in 2-3 globals rendering all the cc in the prot tree kinda useless?


If you cant even fathom how it works idk how you play this game at all dude.

I’m curious how it goes. I feel like it’ll be great for people who want that playstyle, and might be a lot of fun to just mess around with, too.

The Warbringer rune is about as fun of a rune as any they’ve introduced, imo, so I’m looking forward to what’s to come in P3 and checking out Gladiator (What is it? Gladiator Stance Rune?)

Now give us intervene so I can slip and slide outta pvp combat

Intervene shares a slot with Glad.

…that upsets me.

Welcome to Warrior Runes of SoD.

I play feral bear. I know a bit of the feeling.

The dev’s butchered Warrior. They are the Mushrooms of SOD, as Warlocks were in Vanilla. That is why I will be retiring this Warrior after p2. Glad stance is gonna be worthless in SOD. There is no such thing as a sustained PvP fight. You’re gonna get 1 shot before your wet noodle blows 5 global cooldowns for a mighty 1k damage.


I’m not, I’m going all the way to 60.

Yeah Ima take my cows to 60.

One Bear

One Prot Warrior

(If it exists as functional at p4) One shield bearing tank shaman.