Figured Id put this here since season is over, I believe it is accurate, the data on this website only gets inaccurate for older expansions (legion and before iirc).
Dataforazeroth shows DF Gladiator season 4 having 0.083% of accounts with this achievement. For comparison, season 1 has 0.15%, season 2 has 0.17%, and season 3 has 0.13%. For shadowlands, season 1 SL has 0.42% of accounts having glad, season 2 SL has 0.59%, season 3 has 0.25%, SL season 4 has 0.072%.
Pretty crazy, both season 4s having less participation is expected assuming this is accurate but that difference is just insane between sl seasons and df seasons.
Yep! It’s really just shuffle.
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Curious to see this number in 2-4 weeks.
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Maybe if LFG wasn’t so horrible.
As in shuffle is hurting 3s participation? I always hear people saying this but idk how true that is. Shuffle seems to just collect the people who had trouble getting teammates in 3s or didn’t want to sit through lfg for hours just to maybe find 3-4 games. I do see that participation decreased right when shuffle came in during SL S4 but it wasn’t rated at the time.
I could definitely be wrong here I really don’t know, but shuffle provided a lot of players a way to game that either didn’t pvp before or didn’t push before. If overall participation is up and 3s is only slightly down compared to before, it’s probably worthwhile to have around.
Also SL was super inflated right? All the way up until S4? I thought DF s1 was also inflated but maybe it wasn’t comparable because of the changes they made in SL to mmr. I know solo shuffle was insane, people almost hitting 4K rating lol.
Would it change much? I assume you’re thinking about rmt bans and stuff but with such a low number there I wonder how many actually were. They did hand out some bans already when the season ended to a few pvpers (saw it on Twitter) but idk if they did a big wave yet.
3s has been killing itself for years. LFG is outdated and boosters run the bracket.
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I wouldn’t be surprised if actually half of Draconic mounts are not legit. This season felt like unchained to me where inflation is through the roof and sellers are slinging mounts like in n out burgers.
Yeah, exactly!
The vast majority of the lower end of casual players just queue shuffle because they don’t have to deal with lfg, which shifts the ladder down quite a bit!
I see, yeah I think that is honestly okay because a lot of those people would probably not be queuing 3s at this point anyway. I imagine if shuffle didn’t come in and give a ton of players the ability to play we’d probably lose a lot more of the pvp playerbase than we have.
Hm could be true i’m not sure. Compared to unchained (assuming that data is correct) the difference in accounts that obtained these mounts is insane, despite the inflation. 0.083% df s4 vs 0.59% sl s2 is crazy. Ofc this is end of expac compared to mid expac so there will be fall off just like sl s4 but that is still a lot. In the grand scheme its the rarest mount out of the 4 df mounts despite having the most inflation of any season in df, probably due to less people playing the patch.
It was much easier to carry this patch I’m sure but I figure you would expect a pretty sizeable number if carries were being handed out. They definitely were happening, just not sure what the extent was.
Nah, site just slow to update.
Oh didnt know that, will definitely look back at it then in a couple weeks. My b