Glacial Advance (pressed ability) deals less damage than Frost Strike at 3 targets

this ability should deal more damage than frost strike at 2 targets. not just from 4+??? why would we ever talent into this if its this bad?

Can we not get this ability’s nerfs reverted from back before arctic assault got proper scaling AND THEN some buffs to it? our aoe runic power spending ability should not ever be this bad. it should at the very least be a little worse than shattered frost. arctic assault’s scaling is there and can be reduced to compensate for the buffs to the base ability so it doesn’t do more than it currently is now.

GA should also be baseline btw.


2h things it looks like otherwise why use GA at all when you have Shattered / Shattering.

Also, this kind of thing has been happening forever. Even right now in cata you cant go into an aoe rotation or even use some abilities in aoe until you hit 4 targets, or even 6 targets depending on the class / spec.

So having Shattering as a capstone for Frost Strike, its got to be better than GA so GA is going to be worse. This split spec always has and always will be a bad idea.