Giving it another try; LF Social/Leveling Guild

Hello all!

I am gonna go ahead and give classic another try. It’s something I’ve been thinking about while I’ve been away from the game. I’m just looking for a social/leveling guild I can turn into my classic home and make some neat friends along the way. I’m thinking about trying a paladin/rogue, maybe something else if I get hyped up enough about it. I’d be more partial to alliance since I’ve never done much of that, but I’m fine with either faction if the guild is a fit for me.

My days off from work are Thu-Fri and I work from 8a-4:30p EST just in case the schedule matches with someone out there. I’m not looking for raiding out the gate or anything but I am a fast learner and I want to relearn the older versions of the game before Wrath comes out. Just leave a reply here or send me a tell at my battlenet: Scramblini#1613

Thank you for your time :slight_smile:


I have recently come back to wow and I’m playing classic, feel like I forgot everything. Having a group to level and raid together, from the start, would be awesome. My schedule is flexible and I can be on most nights from 8-11est some days as well. I’ll message you. I’ll try any class/role out. Ryvault#1123

I am looking for this as well, but more on the leveling side. I don’t think my schedule can support raiding, but I’d be all over some dungeons.

Raids would be difficult, but I’m more interested in running the classic dungeons. Let’s see if we get more takers, then pick a realm if we go to an active realm we might be able to pick up some new players in game.

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Sounds good. Any preferences on faction and/or PvE-PvP? I’m OK with any, but may lean a bit toward Horde.

Hi! I’m an officer in a semi-hardcore guild called “Old School” We are rolling fresh on a new server as Alliance. Most of us have played WOW since the 2000’s and have formed this guild to really build a community and clear content. Our main 25 man raids will be Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30PST. With 10 man and heroics on off nights. My discord is RogueRaven#4458 if you are interested!

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Hello! If you’re still looking for a guild and you’re willing to level on a fresh server, we may be a good fit for you!