Giving Credit Where Credit is Due

For anyone who may know my posting in the Paladin threads, this is Luthorion.

I wasn’t happy with the theme direction of Templar Paladin and after countless feedback loops, I decided to step away from the game for the time being. This is me posting on my Dad’s account instead (that I grew up playing on), as my game time is suspended.

I want to first say that I am pleasantly surprised by the amount of attention the team has given Retribution Paladins so far in TWW and on the Alpha.

I know a main gripe from both of Retribution’s Hero Spec feedback forum threads, was the positioning of Wake of Ashes in our Spec tree. Seeing this feedback heard, while it was never a big concern of mine, is great work. The repositioning I believe should address any concerns about this talent being made “mandatory” in TWW. Considering that both of Retribution’s Hero Specs require it.

Then of course, removing the previous version we had of Vanguard of Justice is a great change for the future of Retribution. This talent was clunky and problematic ever since it was introduced in our rework. Great decision and glad to see it.

The last major piece I want to give credit to, is the Exorcism animation from our new mastery. I personally, was never a Paladin who was seriously attached to the old Exorcism. But I of course can see why many would be. Seeing this nod to Exorcism via its graphic being built in for our new mastery is a really thoughtful move.

Past all of this, we can continuously debate whether the RNG element of our mastery is good or bad. Whether or not Radiant Glory is good or bad and whether or not the change to Wake of Ashes triggering from camera angle instead of player direction is good or bad.

My final Templar feedback comment for now, is to please consider just simply changing the name of this Hero Spec. I believe a simple name change from Templar to either Vanquisher, Vindicator, Paragon or Zealot would capture the class fantasy you guys have currently built so much better.

A change like that, would ultimately address my personal gripes with Templar and I’m sure it would help address a few other player’s gripes as well.

Herald of the Sun, has also really shaped up to be something exciting. The gameplay and theme have really been solid. I also absolutely love that little spec graphic made for it too. Amazing artwork.

brother man, your RP concerns are just that, RP, transmog a sword instead of a hammer, nobody cares, there are more pressing matters like how toxic for the spec the new radiant talent is for the long term health of the spec

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make a choice node with woa reset.

Honestly, the radiant thing itself seems pretty fun, yea sure, it will damage the burst of the spec.

I don’t really care that much though, ultimately it seems nice to play.

I care about performance, but not to the point where i think it’s more important than actually having a fun rotation, and right now, ret pally is just kinda boring.

it will absolutely destroy the burst capably of the spec. the same way wake resets damaged wakes damage output since its inception in softo. especially now that both hero talents are tied to casting wake of ashe, wake and resets would be insanely unhealthy and cause both hero talents and wakes damage to the gutter to balance it. please stop

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my god, these casual takes are beyond out of control, stop lenegis

Thanks for your contribution.

Ill direct you to someone who gives a damn.

Ultimately games are played for gameplay. And ret is lacking.

As for me asking for things that are actually fun to play with, no i will never stop, your complaints about “balance” and “but wha bout muh min max” I don’t give a damn.

Also, i’m not a casual, i just don’t think that the game should be catered towards people like you who would turn every spec into a feast/starve type of gameplay with a 1/2/3 min cd where you do 50 % of you damage inside that.

I still have some standards, unlike you people.

thank god the devs don’t read posts from people that don’t know wtf they talking about

Ill have you know, many of the suggestions i made were actually put into the game.

Explosion affix? Removed

Elemental assault working on lava lash? My suggestion

Art of war crit scaling? My suggesion

Blade flurry combo points? My suggestion.

Etc etc…

Stay salty.

But thanks for your contribution.

guy thinks that what everyone has been saying for ages was his idea lol, my god the brain rot on these forum posters

Funny, when i made these suggestion people also told me i was wrong, so i fail to see where “these things have been asked for ages”.

But keep prattling.

Guess what, i wasn’t wrong.

And i’m not wrong this time either.

guy thinks he knows about how the game works lmao

its not about “my minmax” im sorry but broken unhealthy things t hat make the spec worse overal for a split second of “im op yay” is just horrible. you are 1000% a casual who spams the same stuff over and over despite everyone NICELY telling you how this wouldnt work/ wouldnt be fair for others who play other specs. balancing and gamplay goes hand in hand.


everyone been saying this stuff forever, your not the inventer of these good concepts. i suggested aow crit scaling and zealots paragon long before you did, but im not gonna do something completely and utterly insane like suggest “i invented it”

I just find it a little funny that you guys tell me i don’t know what i’m talking about, but then some of my suggestions you apparently agree with.

So do you also not know wtf you are talking about by your own argument? Hhm, very interesting, the cognitive dissonance.

I don’t know wtf i’m talking about, and a literal dirty casual with absolutely no knowledge of the game, but i’m also right, and you agree with some of my ideas, only that apparently i wasn’t the one making the suggestion even though when i made them many told me i was wrong, just like you’re doing right now. And guess what, i wasn’t wrong it turns out. As usual, tends to be a repeating pattern of people telling me i don’t know what i’m talking about, but i actually do.

Ultimately i don’t really think they should create the game around a bunch of min maxers, i’m a pretty sweaty tryhard, but as i said, even i have standards.

And many of the suggestions i hear from people like you are quite terrible, when it comes to the core rotation, sure you have a couple of good ideas once in a while, but that’s it.

Anyway, you’re gonna have to try a little harder than a few shaming tactics to change my mind. But don’t even bother, you’re probably better off talking to someone who actually gives a damn, you didn’t exactly leave a good impression. You’d probably find more validation in your little echo chamber where everyone agrees with you.

guy parrots takes that the people that know how the game works have, then proceeds to use cognitive dissonance as an argument and claim he came up with them, delusion at its finest

I didn’t parrot anything, unlike you i actually think for myself.

I find it funny that you say that i just parrot these good players “like you i bet” But then i really don’t, because if i did, i would just agree with you here, right? Except i don’t.

So which is it?

I don’t think logic is your strong suit.

Sucks for you i guess.

you have nothing to agree on with me, because unlike you i didn’t make any claims, and the fact that you think random wings is good for the spec, doesn’t bode well to your argument

your literally insane, your just parroting stuff others commonly say to improve specs or gameplay and then for some reason you think you invented those concepts. get help truly. its annoying to explain things to you here and in literally every classcord only for you to be extremely rude and disrespectful

you uniroincally said this

you said it yourself, you dont have the best intention for the spec in general. im sorry but no one wants their big buttons to do 0 damage cause you can use them milllion times

I didn’t say anything about it being “good for the spec” In terms of balance.

I said that it seems pretty fun to play with.

And i also said they should make a choice node. Wanna take a guess why?

a choice node that will be balanced around a 100% of proc chances or high uptime
ends up being not a choice at all, try again

i dont want the baseline spec to get nerfed bcause you find it fun to spam wake of ashes

making it a choice node isnt the solution you think it is.