Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I’m sorry but this kinda remark makes me think you need to be locked up… just because worgen are beastial wolf people does not mean they’re humans who go “Furry mode” … this kinda remarks disgusts me to be honest as just because the character has fur does not make them furry related.

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What on earth are you talking about? Wolves are furry. That is a scientific fact. How can you find a simple, obvious description like “these animals who have fur can be described as furry” to be disgusting?


I don’t think I’m ~that~ disgusting, even if I want tails.
C’mon. I had my monthly shower a few days ago.

There you go twisting what he said… he means the group of folk called furries…by calling us worgen furry mode it makes it sound like you’re lumping us in with that group of people and while there isn’t anything wrong with that group it is quite tiring that people start throwing hate at worgen and our desire for optional tails based on some made up biased thought of what furries are. He must think you were doing the same as so many others and thus finds the act of doing that to be disgusting. I for one found the fact you made an entire thread saying we worgen should of been a spec instead of a race a tad bit rude as it’s like saying we shouldn’t exist outside of a combat form like druids use. I know it was Sunday but that thread came off a tad harsh in its own way… we worgen deserve to exist as a race the same as orcs or elves or vulpera. Our curse originated from a druid form yes but now it’s evolved and taken on a life of its own…we’re a people not just a druid form at this point…and we deserve optional tails


I’m twisting what he said? Are you serious? He literally twisted what I said. He wants me to be locked away because I used the word “furry” to describe a Worgen. Are Worgen not furry? I’m pretty certain that Worgen do indeed have fur.

Yet I’m twisting words and being the bad guy here? No, I’m definitely not the one who should be locked up in this equation.


Friendly reminder that worgen players would like tail customization options since they were supposed to get them initially in cataclysm.

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A lot of the people who attack this thread use the excuse that the reason we are asking for an optional tail is so we can make Worgen a furry. That is the most common thing we get attacked with so its understandable that your words look like another form of attack.

Worgen were handled extremely poorly by Blizzard from the get go due to time constraints. Blizzard was so focused on making Goblin stuff they almost hit Cataclysm launch without a female model. They rushed to get the race out and made Worgen suffer with the abomination for 10 years. Worgen are even told in our own heritage quest that we should be proud Gilnean rather than embrace the Worgen that makes us strong.
There is so much potential that Worgen could be but Blizzard is lazy. Blizzard almost killed the Worgen player base with a rushed terrible model that we were forced to use for 10 years then told we didn’t have the players to warrent the time for a model revamp. Worgen are the only core race in the game who’s racials never got revamped when everyone else did including Goblins.
Worgen should be a race, we should be proud of who we have become. Two forms is fine for role-playing but shouldn’t be who the Worgen are at the core. We are no longer human and yes I understand it’s easy to copy paste Stormwind human options to Worgen but the focus should be on giving us customization for our core look.


Oh really? Am I supposed to feel welcome here now? It’s no wonder this community is kept at a distance if this is how you all treat a total stranger for simply using the word “furry”

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Did I at any time attack you? I simply told you why people are looking at your comments with a bit of a negative light seeing as it’s the most common excuse people use to attack this thread.
Also I am one of the only players here who has shown that I am a furry but also that my interests in Worgen are to the race rather than of any other kind of nature. I would never attack someone for a different pov that would be like the pot calling the kettle black.


I want to yell encouraging things at you.

I’ll respond in much the same way as Asheru did, by stating that you used the word ‘furry’ with a flippancy that we see mostly in negative posts made by furry haters. It was fairly obvious to me that was not your intent…but there it is. The problem with the written word, compared to spoken conversations, is that inflection is very difficult to portray.

In other words, your intent was misconstrued. The best way to handle this would be to calmly explain that you meant no offense…and understand that getting upset and defensive doesn’t go very far toward convincing them you weren’t being disrespectful. I know that you feel that you shouldn’t have to be apologetic…but when misunderstandings occur, someone has to be the first to step up to the plate.


This is nothing short of victim blaming and I will not stand for it and I will not apologize under any circumstances.

I was pinged into this thread by someone quoting me out of context from an entirely separate discussion, and then immediately attacked and told that I deserve to be locked up. Now I’m being gas lit and told it was all my fault all along? This is the community that’s striving for wider acceptance and kindness? This one?


Yeah, you got the short stick here. Sorry about the reaction. I appreciate the support.


On an semi-related note, do you know the origin of the word ‘grok’? It comes from the fictional novel ‘Stanger in a Strange Land’ by Robert E. Heinlein. It means “to understand a concept thoroughly and intuitively, and to communicate sympathetically”.

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You don’t say :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Give worgen tails!


I at least will come forth and say I didn’t mean what I said hatefully it’s just as Asheru said people come in here and use the term furry in an offensive manner to attack us for wanting worgen customizations and well outside of this thread I’ve been attacked by people using that word too because I play vulpera. I’m sick of the abuse and people using that word in such a negative way I may of said things I did not mean. So let me start by apologizing for my words and hopefully we can get back to asking for worgen to get tails.

I appreciate you, and I’m sorry to hear you’ve had to put up with so much harassment. I’m not a fan of griefers, and I have nothing but love and respect for my Worgen homies.

Give Worgen tails!


Grokthis I am sorry if I came across as getting on you. That wasn’t my intentions.

Give us our tails please. I look sad :frowning: