Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

At least I can headcannon Night Elf Warlocks as Demon Hunters that failed PE but the Mag’har not turning green and Lightforged even touching Fel are just ridiculous.

I find it odd how people who throw the biggest fit often play a furry race.

It’s almost like they’re lying to themselves about something. >_>

They also seem to fail to realise there’s been furries in the game since it came out.

Yeah, a corrupted druid form retaining 1 more wolf feature somehow would not be that big of a stretch. Those stating it’s impossible are just lying to themselves.

Except that one blood elf pally… whatever his deal is I’ll never know.

Yeah that’s what makes it kinda funny as they must be blind to not realize this sorry to say lol

still love this concept as it’s never not amusing, more so when you stop and think that’s how some worgen came to be as there is nothing saying folk who are worgen didn’t get turned in their sleep only to wake up how they are now.

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Give worgen tails.


Give worgen tails


Give worgens tails.


Why do we not have optional tails yet? We’re asking nicely here, Blizz.

The new fur colors are appreciated, but we just need more options for the Worgen form, period.


its like the pve in ow they just will make 10x excuses before they halfway do something .


Oughta prolly give worgen them tails 'cause tails is the nice thing.

Give Worgen Tails.


yeah and here’s hoping they don’t pull some dumb move by giving the human form more stuff and claiming they gave us things as yeah no like you said we’re asking for more customization options for the worgen form. The worgen form needs more than just new fur colors, an optional tail with different models to it would be a nice start. The human form can go die in a ditch as yeah no we’re worgen not human… the human form does us nothing and our true selves have barely a page of options where as humans got at least two. I don’t care what they gotta do even if it’s kill off our human forms entirely but the worgen form needs more love, we’re going tog et to a point where just fur colors aren’t enough… we need new ear options, snout options, more options for eyes, maybe even straight posture for the male worgen but on top of all that is the optional tails. If they wanna go and give us a fourth toe to our feet though so the paw print footprints make more sense that’d be nice too


I agree, they really should as no doubt it’d make the worgen community a lot happier and a happy community means good things like more subs and thus more money

Come on Blizz, do the right thing for the poor doggos and give them optional tails already.


Give Worgen Tails


Two Forms was a mistake. As was Visage Form for Dracthyr. It’s literally a ‘oh hey I know this race is a bit ‘out there’ for most tastes so we’re gonna go ahead and make sure you can still have the human model instead of actually committing to this design, kisses!’

Give Worgen Tails.


I can agree to this yeah, why even have a human form if it’s worthless for anything but RP. The visage for dracthyr could of been nice if it wasn’t so limited as unlike two forms you can fight as your visage just not use the major moves. I mean I’d honestly of loved seeing a Pandaren visage with horns, would of been quite cute and less awkward than walking around as a human chick on the horde side. Hopefully they’ll give dracthyr more visage options or just let us bulk up the dragon form some and actually show the armor we wear. Sadly though I agree that visage was kind of a waste but in that you can toggle to return to it out of combat like they did for worgen recently…as it makes their true self seem like a battle form and I don’t like that. To my dismay I’ve seen a thread here on the forums where some troll is saying we worgen should of been a class rather than a race and that’s just not right in itself… why so many folk hating on us worgen


if anyone wants context as to that whole someone making a thread that worgen should of been a class rather than race thing…

there you go…this guy must be a troll… here’s hoping Blizz won’t take this guys seriously and instead gives worgen optional tails

I see nothing wrong at all with my statement.

And for the record, I wouldn’t be opposed to a tail option for furry mode worgen.

Why not, the damage is already done

Look I agree Two Forms was a mistake but you leave my Dracthyr Visage Form alone because I love the customization options. You can make yourself look different enough from stock human to where it’s acceptable, while Two Forms just makes you into a stinky, smelly human.

But on that topic, give worgen human forms some neat side customizations, please? And tails.

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I can’t even imagine EVER using my human form, whether I was playing a Dracthyr or a Worgen. That has to be just a serious roleplayer thing, right? Even having that button on my hotbar is unthinkable.

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Not just a roleplayer thing. Dracthyr visage forms offer bonus out of combat regen, which helped a lot during certain affixes last season.

Edit: Oh, and you can only see your weapon in your visage outside of a handful of them

Arms warrior Worgen + bladestorm = tail chase?
:dizzy::wolf: :thinking:


more like give worgen’s human form the axe… they don’t need anything further as they’ve robbed the worgen form of plenty already