Give Worgen Tails

Maybe with 9.2.5 we’ll see some proper updates to Worgen and the inclusion of a optional tail.



To the weird people that kept saying werewolves don’t have tails, here’s another game with tailed werewolves. Stumbled across this as I was playing Lost Ark, a tailed werewolf. :smiley:



Blizz? Yes, hello. Give Worgen’s tails :blue_heart:


Don’t forget Werewolf: The Apocalypse which came out on steam recently - and this werewolf is playable :wink::

Like the night warrior, i would like to see a story attached to this option: Imagine that to retake Gilneas, the worgen army has to destroy the last followers of Sylvanas who are holding some key points.
The fury of the worgens is at their maximum for this particular event, a level of fury that attract Goldrinn who will join the worgens just for the pleasure of the hunt.

Somehow his presence will enhance the beast side of the worgens nearby him, making them more feral: A new tail, sharper claws and fangs and let’s say tribal tatoos.

The story finish with Gilneas fully retaken and the worgens finding a new level of mastery of their curse.

Yeah i know, i’m a terrible writer but having the option with a story involving that Gilneas is confirmed to have been retaken, that would be nice I think.

Where is the bluepost for this thread?

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The male running animation is great; the female… maybe not so much.

Probably still PTSD from speaking out to higherups who don’t care.

Blizzard will never blue post here as it would be seen as a sign that we Worgen players exist.


or a sign that they care about worgen… sad to say but yeah wow… did the council member fail at raising their attention to the need for worgen tails? Just give worgen their tails and attention already Blizz, not like we’re asking anything insane or game breaking here

As a bonus for 10 years of neglect we should get an optional tail and a lore correct size. (Come on Blizzard it’s your own lore that Worgen are 8 feet tall) And as a we are sorry for never giving Worgen racials the same love as every other core race if you choose the tail a racial trip attack knocking the target down for 3 seconds. :stuck_out_tongue:

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They could make it like with the night eyes for nightelves. Just making a questline to unlock tails :slight_smile:

i agree and im a worgen player myself i think worgens are cool and all but adding a tail is just kinda cheesy imo there not rabid worgs they werent even mad by nature Night elves made them thinking they will be a good druid form but screwed up and made them rabid meaning there not just humanoid wolves there still well man made and not made by nature meaning there not complete wolves.

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Regardless of the type of magic that made them, worgen are still technically a shape shifting Druid form, the only difference is that it’s more of a curse than a ability, but that’s beside the point.

The point comes in that, either way you slice it, the base that makes worgen is still technically a wolf, and wolves have tails. There’s no reason that worgen shouldn’t be able to control more of the curse over time with help from the night elves, for them to choose to have a tail when transforming into worgen. They already learned to control it enough to not have their sanity taken over by the wolf spirit and become feral, I feel like a tail isn’t a big ask from that.


XD i didnt think of that lol.

The nice thing we would like it to be optional so if you want to keep your current look you are more than welcome to do so.


Good doggos deserve happy wags.

Give worgens tails

and customization tails


True and they could have it to were there tail can be stub tail if so i would like to have a stub tail on my worgen.

The more options the better. It will give a unique look to Worgen

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Not only that, but one really cool thing I always thought of is that worgens could also get a unique druid form, much like the zandalari trolls and the kul tirans have their own unique druid forms outside of the regular old “bear, cat, boomkin” form, you could give worgens their own unique cat form by making it a actual wolf form like worgens originally had.

It’ll both give worgens something even more unique for druid forms, along with explaining how worgens now have tails, seeing as they now have full on control of their wolf form unlike before!


Give worgen tails (also monk)