Give Worgen Tails

Pity them I do.

Find I pity Chespin too. To only find entertainment in trolling folk who just want an option…

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This is a limitation of the rendering engine itself, not something that is likely to get fixed anytime soon. There are plenty of calls that the game engine get a long overdue facelift but the amount of work that would need to go into it is likely beyond the scope of anything Activision will authorize for this game, especially with its dwindling revenue.

That being said, the effort involved in providing an optional tail cosmetic for Worgen is well within the design teams capability. The mechanics for it already exist so there’s no reinventing the wheel involved. They just need one designer to create the various models, a UI engineer to add the selector, and then add it all into the renderer just like any other cosmetic. Super easy, barely an inconvenience.

Blizz should be jumping at these inexpensive fast easy ways to make their player base a bit happier. So come on Blizz - Give Worgen Tails!!!

#GiveWorgenTails :wolf:


Yea but you can keep the mana cakes :tired_face:


References are tight


Thicc mana buns

I agree. :clap:

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Yes. Just see that vulperas initially would not have a tail but in the final product a tail was added and it looked great.

It would be the job to do now with worgen, which was not done for lack of resources and time during the release of Cataclysm.

It is less difficult and laborious than creating the kultirans.


this IS top priority.

:wolf: :kiss:

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Short, succinct, pointed, precise, compact, concise and unambiguous.
(Can I have a tail too?)

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No your not cute enough :smirk_cat:


Aw, come now. Let her have a tail too.

Humans are so boring when they’re so… untouched by powers greater than themselves.


Yes. And a tail would make worgen less human and more wolves.
we need more wolf characteristics.

Give Worgen Tails :wolf:


Sorry if humans want tails they need to take on the worgen curse.


(though I’m totally willing to help in the taking on the curse regard.)

Humans should be allowed to have tails. We’ll just take some cloth or other things and make a tail then use Gnomish glue to keep em on. Let the humans dream.

Also give worgen (optional) tails.

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Not sure gnome glue would work they either don’t work or they blow up.

You clearly have gnomes and goblins mixed up.

Gnomish tech doesn’t blow up. It just sometimes… doesn’t do exactly what you want.

Probably just make the entire human sticky.

Perhaps human characters can be given an option to take the curse?
Any nice Gilnean want to give me a quick nip?


Talk to Erice your welcome