Give Worgen Tails

I want a nose like this


Feel free to make a topic requesting that customization for Tauren. Here, we are requesting worgen customization options- especially a tail.


Why’re you being mean? I want tail options too.

AND you’re a Vulperan, why do you care?





If that’s the threshold for mean then I must be a truly horrible person to you.

And I realize that I’m vulpera, but that doesn’t prevent me from realizing that worgen basically got shafted in the customization department compared to many others.

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Nightborne and HM Tauren beg to differ.

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I think this was in Chronicles 1 too, but not even their official lore books are cannon anymore.

But back on topic for this thread


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Nightborne and Highmountain Tauren are also allied races, who were stated to not be a focal point of this initial wave of customization. Pretty certain that the only allied race to get anything this round was Void Elves, and that was literally copy-pasted from Blood Elves.

And it was still more than worgen got!


Its not. I checked. Its only in the RPG Tabletop.

A few races got some things. Mechagnomes, Mag’har
 Even vulpera got a thing.

Still though.

Give worgen tails!

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gibe tail plox


I think you can all be tail buddies in this, and root for each other

Still pitching my support for optional worgen tails. In the meantime I have my Lykaios in Skyrim for my tail fix.


Would I need to tear a hole in the back of my trousers? :thinking:
The way that Pandarians do for their little 
 stubs? :rofl:

I should give it a try but the thought to install 50+ quality of life, graphical and sound mod made me already tired before even doing anything.

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I don’t play with 50+ mods. I think grand total I run about 30-ish and it’s a mix of different things. The nexus mod download manager takes care of a lot of the stuff for you so it’s not quite so tedious heh.


Ask a Vulperan

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Pandaren and Draenei already have custom made underwear for their tails. It’s as simple as buying a new pair of clothing in Stormwind at one of the clothing shops!
Hopefully you have enough gold for a new change of wardrobe if you pick the tail option. ;D


I’m good not having a tail.

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Only if you type Worgen backward.

Me too.

Lucky for us it’s an optional tail that’s being asked for.

