Give Worgen Tails

Some posts should stay off the internet, this is one of them.

I’ve also played that race however I did scale the model up some as them being the size of a normal human seems a bit small.

And while I couldn’t do it for the race I made in starbound I designed the Lyceen race to have a tail.


I’ve been considering whether to jump into Starbound, myself.

That said, I also want worgen tail options. What to do…

Give Worgen Tails.


somehow my notifications for this thread got turned off!!
us worgen want our tails!

Yeah it’s weird about that sometimes. Had that happen to me more than once.

Oh well. Trials and tribulations on our way to #giveworgentails.

I just now realized you can turn on notification for every comments… always wondered what that little paw symbol was under the scroll bar to the right.
I learned something new today!


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:alien: Tails for Worgen :vulcan_salute:t5:


Worgen tails, please?


While there’s tons and tons of threads about a certain Youtuber’s silly claims. Let’s focus on the real issues here.

Gimmie my tail Blizzard!


yes please! we want more customizations!

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Greetings worgen and friends of worgen.

I will be absent from this thread and others dedicated to suggesting more and better customizations for worgen.

Since 2019 I have been following and participating in this and other related topics and seeing the interest and passion of several people for more customization options and for worgen.
Something I haven’t seen since 2010. And this is very good.

This last lamecon tired me, with Blizzard’s disinterest in preferring tiring and unrewarding systems, remakes of old hits and devoting himself to phone games instead of his player base and his suggestions.


I am going to give myself some holidays, but first I would like to say goodbye properly and thank everyone who came here willingly to participate in a positive way.

Thanks. Thank you for sharing the same dreams and ideas as me and others.

Take care and keep the light on.

I will be back.


It’s sad to see you go Grayphus. Don’t worry, we’ll keep the fight going and get those tails! You take care, and hope you have a good break!



Completely understandable, and I wish you a good break. As I said I refuse to go quietly into the night and when I feel the lack of a tail is driving me nuts. I’ll just fire up some Skyrim and enjoy playing there for a little bit.

Be here when you return.


Dropping by this thread again.
The devs said during blizzconline to let them know what we’d like to see.
I would like to see a tail on our Worgen buddies. Should the devs consider it, it would delight me.


Wish they’d show more effort when they say they’re taking our feedback. Haven’t seen a lot come of that.

Still since they’re asking.



I’ve played wow non stop since 04 back when it started. When Worgen were announced in Cataclysm I knew what race I was going to be playing till the game died or I do. Even with the neglect and pure disdain Blizzard put into Worgen I still choose to play the race and hope that one day Blizzard will change Worgen for the better. I race changed 5 characters from other races to Worgen and made the rest of the classes where i could to be Worgen. Optional tails is just the start as Worgen didnt get even a 5th of what other races got for customization. Its time to fix this Blizzard its time to make your players happy before you lose them all. Also a lore correct size and more optionsbut let’s start with the most requested thing first.


what is with this guy, comes in trolling/harassing this forum topic, gets suspended then admits to BAN dodging just to continue to post.

can we please get an answer blizzard

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Seems hes been removed Coldpaws. :slight_smile:


bet you he will be back on another account trolling soon…

Some people take breaks to do other things. It doesn’t automatically mean something has occurred.

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