Give Worgen Tails

I wanted a word with Sylvanas at that point. And by ‘word’ I meant an opportunity to apply DPS until she dropped loot. I didn’t get a poll to determine if I wanted my previously-heroic Horde character to be made a complete monster.

Give Worgen Tails.

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what if you can fly like TAILS in Sonic

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lol Worgen flying around like Tails with dynamic flight

You do realize Tails is a fox yes? Why not market your idea to the vulpera instead? Worgen may wag a tail eventually but I doubt it’d let them fly, although now I’m getting an odd image of a worgen druid in flight form shifting their tail back to their normal one and wagging it and getting a small speed boost from it.

Give. Worgen. Tails.

Hopefully going back to Gilneas we just find the tails stored away in crates or something. We can play pin the tail on the Worgen!


Come on! Back on topic! Blizzard, we’re still waiting tails for worgen, hoping you haven’t forgotten the worgens for the Gilneas takeover, that would be such a shame…

And don’t forget to take a look at this topic and leave a like!

I spent some time reading the other thread and there are some good ideas too, too bad they don’t have more visibility.


AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! It’s a furry! Cowers in terror

Ahhh it’s a Scally… Oh wait that’s another version of a furry. Laughs louder than someone should


A new rivalry has begun! Scalies Vs Furries! Roars at

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I’m playing for both teams


Can we also give Worgen better animations?

I tried to play one the other day and good lord do the males look awful. The racial cast animations are ok, but when they do class specific ones like mage, they are so disjointed and terrible. Even the combat ready pose looks bad.

Blizzard really fumbled the Worgen update. They look good standing still but as soon as they do anything it’s obvious they need work

The females I think are better, but mostly because they stand up straight so movement isn’t so awkward on their frame. Their cast animations are pretty good too.

Oh and can we fix the finger clicking thing. They click open when you zoom out and it’s super annoying. Females are supposed to run with closed fists, but only if the camera is close enough. Males have the same issue as well


now I can’t unsee this >:(

You’re welcome :upside_down_face:

Seriously though I’ve been trying to get it fixed for like 2 years now :sob:

still waiting for this option when many people ask for it and we never get anything

Tell you want fix the four finger thing for Worgen and that animation will look a bit better.

It would help, but the non-racial animations just look so wonky and crunched on Worgen. Males in particular.

They just don’t look good. They’re a hulking werewolf being forced into human poses, it doesn’t work well

Oh I agree but to fix all the Worgen animations would take some time to redo a lot of the animations. For now we just want optional tails to start then we can work on other issues.


In all honesty if we can’t get their attention about tails, what are the odds they’ll address anything else? Lol :smiling_face_with_tear:

It took us 10 years to get rid of the abomination so we don’t give up easy.


As much as i would like this. Blizzard even made one of the female Dracthyr jokee emotes a mockery of the tailess worgens