Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Same goes for face options. I like the new face a lot that came out for the recent fur pattern, but that’s the issue… the face pattern is only exclusive to the new fur color. So I can’t have my usual black hair and solid gray fur like I always have and use the face. You can’t even change face pattern when you pick the new fur color either. So you’re stuck with this one face. Don’t get me started on hair color being tied to the fur color either.

Actually, checking the new furs they gave us now, turns out none of the new furs you can change face options on em. So Blizzard went COMPLETELY lazy mode with em and instead of putting in the extra bit of effort to actually let you change faces on it, they just give you a fur pattern that you can’t change the face on at all.

Hopefully Blizzard removes hair/face/scar being tied to the fur option, along with giving us tails.