Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

copium at least blizz remembered we existed and are getting elf ears. One day we will get tails one day.

Squeeky wheel gets the grease. Make some noise and start hitting the like button on this thread. 86 likes isn’t going to show the devs you want optional tails.

I just don’t understand how optional Worgen tails took a back seat to “pointy ears”…

As someone with a delightful tail, you have my sympathies and my best wishes that you will one day have an optional tail of your own.

I like the idea of “lore correct size”… but if I try to achieve that in-game via chugging firewater, people have to state how much they hate those users… :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

Anyway… Happy Almost Winter Veil, worgfriends! :bell: :christmas_tree: :snowflake:

:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: Give Worgen optional tails!
An upright posture option for males!
A true all-black fur color! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Maybe Gilneas-related housing in Midnight-- :dracthyr_tea:

And I would personally love to get that altered Gilneas tabard as an option–the cool one that Crowley wore, with the clawmark slashes design :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


female worgen should at least be as tall as female zandalari


Technically the original thread had quite a bit more.

I Support this as long as it’s optional as well, because I don’t really want this huntress to be eight feet tall in-game. Ideally, Blizz should offer a ‘height slider’ in the character creation page, and in the barber shop…and for all characters, not just Worgen.


Options are the spice of life! Or something along those lines…

I would definitely be all for height sliders. Although I do find it amusing that the smaller races (Gnomes, Vulpera, etc.) are often stuck swimming in a shallow puddle like it’s a lake-- :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Oh sure…ha ha, hiLARious.

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I’ve seen this said more than I’ve actually experienced any such disdain heaped upon me while big. Not sure if it’s just luck, people holding themselves to some sense of decorum, or some mix thereof.
Maybe I’d find something if I fished through Wyrmguard for a few days, but that sounds about as fun as replacing all of my rags and towels with coarse sandpaper.

Give worgen a bone instead.


Because they’re dogs.



I didn’t know if it was the holidays or work or both. Anyways give worgen optional tails.

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Great idea. A tail in a bone. Like a town in a box. Worgen can get their tail now thanks for the great idea.

I hope you’ve put these in the suggestions box! :smiley:
Make Worgen Great Again.

Half Elf Gilneans is a nice start… (11.0.7 Pointed Ears customization releasing later today)
But I do wonder what the lore explanation for this cosmetic would be. Perhaps an after-effect of the curse, or from the Night Elven magic used to temper it? Or just a retconning of the Gilnean population that a bunch of those born to Humans and High Elves in the Lordaeron Alliance migrated back when Greymane decided to split and seal the kingdom?

Either way, I gladly wecome this change.
I’ll probably swap back to Worgen tonight. I like the Darkflight buffs and it looks like the hands are not as buggy. Takes a longer distance away with the camera to make them all bugged. Running Wild’s animation also seems a BIT slower, MAYBE I’m imagining it though (that’s what I put in the suggestion box. It’s a werewolf not a rabbit)

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A dog requires a tail );

Yes please

The Trading post tend to push these silly butterfly wings. Just throw in some busy tails and be done with this and we are all set. These will look silly on characters that already have tails but that isn’t my problem.

Well if a Vulpera has a extra tail from Trade Post there would be a lot of foxes named Tails.


A simple Short > Average > Tall slider, with the current Worgen being on the Average setting, would be great at diversifying the characters we see.


Fun fact, there are already animation “Bones” on Worgen that already have some animations. They just have nothing on the model to tie them too.

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Yeah, like… Aren’t the Saurok literally using the Worgen skeleton? Theres no reason not to add tail options! :dracthyr_tea:

Same for Dracthyr and visible armor–Who cares if it clips; Let the people see it regardless, and maybe folks would actually play their True Form self! :face_holding_back_tears: