No, werewolves don’t have tails. BYEEEEE…
Some do.
Source reference? In popular media and images werewolves do not have tails. Gilneans were afflicted by Lycanthropy not changed into purely “humanoid dog ppl” which is what Vulpera are which is why they have tails and Werewolves do not. But who knows maybe Blizzard will cave in on this, it should be purely optional, I don’t think MY Worgen would look good with a tail
Just another +1
Gib wogen tails
Scroll up, we have faced the same question “Source reference? Popular media?”
and many have been answered, and thats why we want OPTIONAL tails, as many have been asking, not FORCED tails.
dont want it? dont use it, problems solved.
There you go a popular media source with a werewolf with a tail.
Surely you have a source that states this as the reason vulpera have tails and worgen don’t.
Surely you’re not, like others have, pontificating from your posterior.
Surely this time it’s not attention seeking behavior.
Surely you have solid evidence to share.
Some werewolves don’t have glowing eyes (You do) some can only transform in the light of a full moon (You’re transformed rn!) some are feral wolves not humanoid (You are humanoid) bonk
Going to drop more items from “The List” again. Hopefully Worgen get a wide array of Customizations. Especially tails.
You need to add straight body option for males to that. 1990s and early 2000s Blizzard’s obsession with hunched shoulders has cursed us for a long time.
I think I added it before but sometimes thing get overwritten by old versions when I copy paste things.
WTB Tails, name your price
Tails and option to stand straight for males! Please!!
4 days and nobody asked for tails.
Give worgen optional tails.
Amomg other things.
Still rooting for worgen to get optional tails just…kinda grown distant from the game lately. Rather sick of Blizzard’s cruelty towards the worgen giving them as little as possible and trying to call that fair.
This. This is probably the best course of action. Keeps the fellows that dislike tails happy and makes the tail crowd happy.
I wanted to update that I’ll be going back Worgen for 11.0.7 On my main Druid (which started as Worgen in Cata). Yes, again… but hopefully for the final time. And with the current mog. It’s gonna look great The hands bug (fingers opening up unnaturally when zooming out) is still there on the PTR, though not as bad. Running Wild animation is still a bit too fast, but not as bad. But I’m HYPED for the Half Elf ear options and wonder what they mean for the lore of Gilnean Humans (if anything). I also just… missed home (Worgen, Gilneas). Finally, the Darkflight buffs are lovely, though IMO could have been better (bumped up to 50% and/or removed potentially negating effects, been shorter and granting immunity to such effects, or a dispell + leap). Regardless, it will be even better with different builds in PvE and PvP.
As for customization (as always), the more – the better. With the Pointed ears now as I mentioned above (and provided they hopefully are intentional), we just need glowing eyes for the Human form now. After that, more options for human (styles, accessories) and Worgen (postures, Cata Alpha faces and hairstyles) can be looked into. Then, the Worgen will FINALLY be complete… And the final touch would be optional Tails Glory to Gilneas and to the Greymane dynasty!
As for the Pointed Ears and hypothetically, eventually Tails… I’d use lore explanations of strengthening ties to different magics via both traditions and collaborations. It’s justified Worgen Druidism, and can justify tightening the connection with Goldrinn’s magic as well.
I’ll be making suggestions as per my analysis on the PTR, and encourage others who want to see more options to do the same. We can get our lore, customization and gameplay desires fulfilled! Justice to the Worgen can be delivered. After all, we got Gilneas back after 12 years, and it was so worth the wait.
Give worgens tails, I embrace my curse and will master the ways of the wolf. As I grow stronger I turn more into a wolf controlling the beast within me.
It was always the request. It was never going to be anything but an option. Which is why its so ridiculous that anyone was ever against it.