Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

None of that breaks any lore at all.

Black skinned elves just exist. They’ve had lore members with it since cata. Get over it.

Give worgen optional tails since there is also no lore that contend them.

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I don’t remember these lines from a Nightborne, maybe it was lost in the French translation. (it wouldn’t surprise me given the level of our translators)
Do you have the source?

With this we could have a good explanation… albeit in an obscure way that the general public don’t know because it was never brought up in the numerous topics on the subject i read.
The only problem i could see is with the Withered, they didn’t turned dark like charcoal but it could work with the Blood elves maybe.

On a side note, i don’t get why people think that i’m against this color for the sake of it.

They don’t get that there’re lore nerds who think lore and world building first and foremost.
It’s like they are so obsessed to mix their real world view with a fictionnal universe that they can no longer distinguish between reality and fiction.

We can see that in this very topic with few people blablanty telling the worgen players asking for an optionnal tail that they are furries meaning that we are the most awful part of the fandom.
They are forgetting that we are only asking this to play a certain fantasy we have of the werewolves in a fictionnal world, not porting it to the real world.

If there’s Genn’s longcoat alongside it, i’m willing to pay even 20 - 25 $.
The only downside is that it could give Blizzard the idea to monetize all the futur character customizations…


I was just talking of how some of the nightborne during their questline got if you didn’t feed them mana for a while. Like the gal who’s apparently dating a blue dragon… her withered state wasn’t blue it was devoid of color outside black. Every skin tone they got had a different color for their withered state but the dark blue always seemed to turn black like charcoal. Idk if there is any good source article for that besides what you see during the questline from legion. I’ve had to do that questline so much it’s hard for me not to recall at this point as I did it on my main in Legion then when they became unlockable I showed my sister and her friend through the questline, helped them find everything, showed them some good spots to farm more mana… but yeah I do hope worgen get optional tails even if there’s a crazy questline to unlock them. Just hoping they stop dropping the ball with things as one fear I got is the game itself essentially dies before they give our worgen tails.


okay the wannabe lore nerds then that keep coming in here with the BS ‘mah lore’ excuse for why worgen shouldn’t get optional tails when there is nothing that forbids the addition of them


Lore is dead. The lore can be changed on a whim and like I’ve challenged everyone who claims there is lore stating we can’t have tails… prove it show us where it says it in written lore. No one ever has. Besides it’s a magical curse… it’s not like those have never been altered in the history of the game. If they want lore it’s very simple to have Worgen meet with Goldrinn and gain his blessing. Suddenly your making the “muhhhh lore” needs happy and making the Worgen players happy too. Win win!


Sadly I think the people fighting against this due to lore would say something along the lines of ‘Even if Worgen did get the blessing why would it suddenly grant them tails.’

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I like my worgen as is, not because of lore, but because its more like the classic lycanthrope, more man than beast, usually depicted without tails. I’m also a big fan of old brit monster movies.

I’m all for tails for those that want a werewolf fantasy though, no reason to not have it be togglable.

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Too bad suddenly all night elf got the Night Warriors eyes when only the leader did the pact. Suddenly blood elves got purple eyes due to an error and people liked the look. Zip zero zilch reason lore wise it was an error by the devs. So ya I really don’t care how few people would complain about a valid lore reason being added to give Worgen optional tails.


That’s easy. It is the same reason we got claws. :dracthyr_shrug:


Most werewolves do have tails the main reason they are not depicted in movies is budget. Animation of tails is time and money. Skinwalkers is a different story and Lycanthrophy is all over the place. Don’t get me wrong I do respect the fact you want to keep the monkey butt look and that is why we want it to be optional. We Worgen know better than most what it’s like to be stuck with a hated look for your character.


Yep, in the fact we had that horrid look from Cata for 10 years straight and it feels like everyone else got the HD look before we did while they also skipped over our racial revamp when they did that for everyone else. Really annoys me that for Cata Classic they gave us worgen that ugly skin again… Blizz really doesn’t learn it seems. One can hope we’ll get our optional tails before those fools kill WoW with their greed


Maybe if God decides to be merciful.
We’re at the full game priced mount stage, though, so I wouldn’t hold my breath.


No, the mount costs more than the full version, it costs as much as the premium version of the game. :wink: :+1:


Actually true.


Still waiting for Worgen to have tail options.


Wish worgen were getting the knife ear for their human forms like the human and Kul’tiran were. :frowning:


More customizations for humans spawned from and for this expac, but still no highly requested feature for worgen. They’d rather invent new content than modify worgen.

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I find it ironic that this Warlock can only vocalize a joke about Worgen tails when this Warlock is in their Visage, because the voice lines are broken for non Evoker Dracthyr in Lizard form

I can say the joke when I don’t have the tail - but I can’t say the joke with the tail out

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One would hope you didn’t race change purely to be able to crack that joke about worgen, some may think that’s being petty. All the same worgen deserve optional tails joke or no joke… also why a dracthyr would go pure green is beyond me but it just looks a bit…idk ugly… even i wasn’t that crazy when I made one for DF

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I was thinking the other day they should get the eye glows the worgen forms are allowed. There really is no good reason they don’t.