Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

What is the point of this comment?

I have seen talk that Worgen in some cases was officially drawn with tails, and even written about.

But really what is this comment about? Why do I have to consider that to ask for something?

Saying that there’s nothing stating in Lore that wugs can’t have tails isn’t entirely true to the statement. While it was never mentioned that it can’t happen, it was visually shown during two important transformation sequences. To disregard that sorta undermines what’s being said.

I myself have not any official Blizzard artwork with tails. The concept art seen it? But that’s unfortunately just concept art and not the final version


Official Blizzard Concept Art did in fact have tails for females. Been posted MANY times. Fun fact, straight back orcs came from concept art.

And if you’re going to argue this…

All official artwork for Blood/High elves show them as fair skinned, not dark skinned…

Yet… we are getting dark skinned elves.

Argument invalid.

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This is just an argument about whether worgen had tails in concept art, not whether worgen should have tails. I don’t get it.

Yes. Concept art. It variations of the final product until one was chosen. And I know it has been, been around since the beginning while popping in and out. Feels like you gravitate to that frequently because that’s something you want. That is fine.

Sure. Dark skin tones have been described, but that’s not the argument here.

Showing evidence that goes against what you want isn’t bad. If there are obstacles, find a way to get around it in a way that helps your cause. What you’re doing right now feels like what the Wug thread on the ptr forums turned into. A demand.


Lore can always be developed, its not fixed. The argument, “Its not in the lore hence no tails” is weak.

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Oh, you’re just here to rile people up. Okay.


It isn’t. It a point that has been forgotten. A major one at that considering it’s the origins of how Worgen came to be

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No. I’m not. I’ve posted that I’m down with tails and sided with the easy change in Lore for them

High/Blood Elves have NEVER been described with having dark skinned. All pieces of official art show elves as fair skinned.

I am just showing you that the point is is that changes can be made for worgen too if they did it for other races that “go against what has been “established.”” Elves were always depicted as light skinned, now we have dark skinned. Worgens may not have had tails for WHATEVER STUPID REASON (even though there are indicators that they intended on having them)… Shadowlands with customization changes can bring that option to us finally.

You can agree with the point and still be here to sow discord.

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If that’s what you are feeling. Soz. That’s on you.


I have never once said in this whole thread that it can’t happen. You said it was never stated in Lore and forgot about the comic and the cover art that goes along with it. That kinda dents your argument for that.

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once again posting reminder to…

Give worgen tail option.


I am sure you Worgens are jealous of us Taurens for having tails



I would be if that little hairless thing you walking hamburgers call a tail looked nice. But as it stands we just will wait and see if Blizzard can make customers happy for once.

Maybe…But still we have one and ya don’t


Tail me! /10char

Which is why we are asking for the option of a tail or no tail. Sadly some people take offence at the request and demand that only Worgen are given 0 options in character design cause for some reason it offends them?

I am hoping red Pandaren males get a tail option as well.