[quote=“Jabahnkaluan-stormrage, post:1723, topic:504127, full:true”] My point is to not discredit people for simply not wanting it. It is fair and they have the right to voice they dont want it.
If that’s the case, people have the right to tell them to bugger off.
I’m not complaining about lore breaking changes like dark skinned blood elves cause having a choice is always better so why is it ok for someone who don’t play the race I play to come in and dictate what options I would like to see on my race?
But there is no point to arguing over it as I don’t play blood elves if someone wants to use that look its an option they can.
And we would like the same with Worgen an option not seen before and up to the player to choose to use.
I would like to think I have been polite but at the same time I still would like to know why people seem to take issue and throw a fuss about Worgen asking for an optional tail when other races are being given options and no one is batting an eye. Why is the biggest cry always about Worgen?
Because it is a unique race of the alliance and any change in a unique race of the alliance could be an improvement and that would be something undesirable, you know?
Says an orc that has always been hunchbacked and now has the option to not be. Well, orcs have always been like that, why even give them an option, right?
I doubt you would find so many people that want that as much as you found people that want tails for worgen. And you probably wouldn’t have any support in references or concepts for orcs having four arms. Of course, if suddenly Blizzard wants to give them an option for four arms, they would just do it, but it’s way less likely that it would have a positive impact.
Also, I see some people saying they don’t want it. I’m fine with people voicing they don’t want it. What seems wrong to me is when they try to validate their opinion based on “they never had tails, so they can’t have”. Well, if we never got things that never existed before, we would be playing patch 1.0 for the last 16 years.