Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Since when are Worgens a class?


That’s actually hilarious, hard to believe people exist with such soft shells.

Because Blizzard hates Worgen that much is clear after 10 years of the abomination of a model we were forced to use. And you know what’s funny its Blizzards own fault that Worgen were so disliked. Rather than admit they screwed up they claimed they didn’t do stuff for Worgen cause no one was playing them… wait so you give the race a model they didn’t want cause you ran out of development time and had one of the worst models in WoWs history to ever make it to the live game and you question why people werent playing the race then punish the race… I fail to see the logic in that.

A very good example is the Core race racial revamp… Guess who is the only core race in the game who never got their racials revamped. And yes Ive see people say oh… its cause Worgen were one of the newer races at the time… Funny Goblins were in the same timeline as Worgen and they got the racial revamp… So what is the excuse? Why are Worgen the only race in the game with the original racials they shipped with?

Like I said we understand from a developers view point Worgen were hardly played… but it was due to the model and everyone universally hating it. Just look at how many Worgen you see now and days compared to when Cata launched. The numbers are staggering in the difference. What we are asking for is a simple option. Something that can be done very quick and without a ton of time or effort as the base framework is already in the model. We just want Blizzard to realize they made a misteak and its ok to admit to it. Show us that you respect your paying customers with something that clearly has been requested since Worgen first came out. Making fun of it by making a Dracthyr joke just shows they know its a common request.


I am excited for the pointed ears in human form like Genn has in Heroes of the Storm for my worgen, still hoping for optional tails!


Worgen had tails in concept art and have tails in some of their Hearthstone art. Werewolves have tails depending upon multiple factors or not. The earliest legends about werewolves often interchangeably didn’t have or did have tails even among the same cultures.

Worgen ain’t a class… and no one has asked every class to have a tail…

While I won’t knock peoples personal fetishes I’ve yet to see anyone but those fearful of “furry’s” ever even consider that. lol Its a tail on a wolf like creature. Not sure how thats hard to figure why folk want it…


Optional Tails for Worgen please!


I just hope they let us use the new ear options and it’s not just for NPCs. The fact that the options are named does seem to indicate that the options will be available to players, though.

In comparison, the Harronir customization options are named mostly by numbers, indicating that the race will not be made playable (at least for now, anyway) and so there’s no need to provide names for the customization options.

I’ve also read that there’s going to be less focus on customizable mounts for War Within. I’m not sure if that will mean anything regarding customization updates for existing races, however. At least it means we probably won’t be getting five or six mounts with more customization options than most of the playable races.

There are versions of werewolves where they do in fact got tails like Diablo 2 werewolves for example had them and the concept art for worgen has them having tails as well. They’re wolf people and wolves got tails so it only makes sense. Also Worgen are not a class and nobody is calling for every class to get tails just optional tails for worgen. As for that last part… yeah no if that’s what you think our request for worgen to have tails is for, you need to go touch grass. Overall your attempt to troll has failed but thanks for putting the topic back at the top.


Give worgen optional tails please!


…but they do, they usually do, in fact.
Why do you think this? Why have you decided this? Did you know you’re wrong about this?
Yeah sometimes they don’t, more often they do.
Regardless, we want our bipedal wolf characters to be able to have tails as an option, thanks.

Give worgen tails!


Oh, at least a dozen variations. Short, medium, long…scruffy, fluffy, curled like a husky’s…give us ALL the possibilities!

Also, a /wag emote.



I can’t believe this thread is still going for 4 years and still no response from blizzard lol


In all likelihood, they haven’t responded because they really don’t plan to give us tail options. Not anytime soon, at least.

If they were, and the options are planned to be implemented fairly soon, there wouldn’t be any negative consequences for telling us so. The Worgen player-base would be delighted to hear it. If they weren’t, the last thing they’d want to do is actually outright tell us it’s not happening. The results would be negative press at the very least, and a likely hit to their profit$ when fed up players decided to walk.

So the only option is to do exactly as they have so far; stay silent. Just as they have in response to our feedback toward the half-baked ‘Recover Gilneas’ scenario.

crickets chirping

Give worgen tails


the fact that they do not come out and say no and this is the reason why is pathetic, crap way to treat your customers.


It doesn’t help either that there’s been devs who’ve said, and I quote, “We’ve definitely heard that feedback” instead of giving us a proper yes or no. This was back when 10.2 was releasing.

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Yes, give Worgen tails, and hairstyles.


I wonder what would happen if we did a go fund me and paid a streamer ask Ion about Worgen tails???

A ‘What tails’ T shirt?

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Short of a perma ban I will never stop requesting an optional tail.


Thing is they know what coming out and telling us No would do, especially if they tell us no and continue to spoil their favorites the elves with more stuff they didn’t ask for.

Blizzard at least knows this much and thus why they’re sitting on their hands. I’m just hoping that things like Cow said before that since they cracked a joke about our desire for worgen to get optional tails they’ll do like they did with the high elf stuff and slip it in a future patch but possibly with a lot of encoding to keep it from being datamined in advance.


In other news…I bring some bad news for cata classic… the cursed model returns

They for dang sure owe us optional tails at this point