Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Tell you want fix the four finger thing for Worgen and that animation will look a bit better.

It would help, but the non-racial animations just look so wonky and crunched on Worgen. Males in particular.

They just don’t look good. They’re a hulking werewolf being forced into human poses, it doesn’t work well

Oh I agree but to fix all the Worgen animations would take some time to redo a lot of the animations. For now we just want optional tails to start then we can work on other issues.


In all honesty if we can’t get their attention about tails, what are the odds they’ll address anything else? Lol :smiling_face_with_tear:

It took us 10 years to get rid of the abomination so we don’t give up easy.


As much as i would like this. Blizzard even made one of the female Dracthyr jokee emotes a mockery of the tailess worgens

I mean the massive outcry for worgen tails over the last what
12 years now, they HAVE to know it would be very well recieved. There’s no way at this point they don’t. The fact they MOCKED it with the Dracthyr joke only makes us push harder. GIVE WORGEN TAILS YOU COWARDS


Oh it’s ok I got a joke for Dracthyr. I asker one to tank for me they just turned thier heads and looked sad as they walked away. I wonder why?

Oh and before people freak out this is my current main so
 good luck saying I hate Dracthyr.

<— Asheru

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It could still happen thought since yeah, Blizzard can remove jokes as they’ve shown before. Even if they can remove jokes, they still will keep it, like one of the void elf jokes making fun of em for wanting to be high elves that’s still in the game if you talk to Umbric.

“High elf?! Please! Why would you want to be a HIGH elf when you could look all tragic and brooding?”

Don’t let a mere joke stop you from getting what you wanted. Fight the system!


Considering tank Dracthyr ir one of the 2 things i have wanted most for the race since day 1 this actually makes me sad (the other one being unrestricted Soar but we are already getting that one soon so 50/50)

I mean I still do hope Worgen get optional tails and more love just as much as I hope Dracthyr get more classes and options. I just don’t let the “joke” get to me. Sure at first I was annoyed cause that was shown off right after Blizzard removed quote “Offensive” Jokes but I quickly turned it around and just started having fun. I mean Ive been playing an Evoker the entire expansion.


Would sure be nice if we could be thankful for Worgen tails from the turkey dimension this year. Gobble wag-wag.

Give Worgen Tails.


Going to look forward to the Retaking of Gilneas and what it will entail.



Give worgen tails dreni, drakthyr, pandaren, vulpera, and tauren both highmountain and OG tuaren have them why not give them to the worgen huh.

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The best I can give worgen is the flu.

Tails; those would be a nice option.

Also, Alpha model for Cata Classic; please for the love of everything
I want the hairstyles back; it was absolute bs that we didn’t get those on launch, or even now in retail


Ok punt bait how do you want to land? We got two options, Slow and into a bed of razor sharp spikes or quick and into a pool of lava. Choose.

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I understand your pain brotha

Give worgen optional tails plz!