Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

yeah all we’re mainly asking for is optional tails for our worgen as their model has the bones for them already. We did ahve some asking for upright posture for the worgen guys and some other things but we’ve mainly been asking for tails here despite all the haters who pop in her and give us childish reasons for why we shouldn’t get them. Not asking for anything lewd like a breast slider nope just a tail for our wolf people as they look so awkward without them. Hopefully some day soon we’ll be heard and get our due but till then we continue the good fight of asking for what we desire. I mean come on they appease blood elves on their requests yet not the worgen? How is that fair?

Give Worgen Tails


Well an optional tail, solid black fur and the upright posture for male are the bare minimum for me, we are lacking of so many things…


They have. To Blizzard, this is a subject for in- and out-of-game jokes.


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Blizzard ! Gives Worgen Tails !


They most definitely have. Outside of the dracthyr joke, which is funny since often times they remove jokes anyways or keep the jokes even after adding said things (stares at joke about void elves not being high elves), we’ve had devs this expansion mention it. The one thing they refuse to say is a definitive no. Worgen tails is definitely on the table.


Admitting that they have ‘heard the feedback’ and actually ‘putting the option on the table’ aren’t the same thing. They have not said yes, no, or even maybe…and the fact that they have refused to do so is telling in itself.

It would do no harm, and probably even generate good will, if they were to tell us ‘it’s coming’ or ‘we’re considering it’, IF they really intended to do so. If they had no such intention, their safest option would be to remain silent to avoid contention…which is essentially what they’ve been doing.


Maybe that you are not aware, but in one or two of the story group interview (don’t remember with who, maybe Danuser) the question was asked and the answer was a straight “no”.

The Dracthyr joke can be seen as another “no” as an answer (albeit this one is rather insulting).

But it doesn’t prevent us to keep asking for these options isn’t it?


how many tails do you want

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Tails now!!!

In that interview (by Greg Burke), Danuser was quoted to have said…

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Worgen and tails make no sense to me.”

…which just confirms the depth of his ignorance. I mean, we can thank HIM for the ‘lore’ out of Shadowlands…:smirk:

I can’t find anywhere online where he or any other developer has said anything else relevant to Worgen tail options, including any of them outright saying ‘no’. As it stands though, I agree with your assessment.


Its a comment from Danuser no one takes his comments seriously.


Blizzard, worgens need an optional tail and a bit more customization options! Give this race some love!


Much more customizations and improvements


blizz could just make belts with all sorts of tails for draneis,worgens,taurens,highmountains etc

like id honestly want the old highmountain model goat tail on my tauren
or other ingame rewards that give differ option of tails or other race tails mix and match.

sounds like one hell of a middle finger to those who want it as a customization option for their character and not occupying their belt slot. I mean if Blizz did go that road and make it belts they’d be showing proof that they don’t care about what’s fair and rather what’s cheaper when all they gotta do is add a tail to the bones that are already there and have been there for years


Also the thing about it being a belt, it would severely limit our transmog as we will lose a belt, or cloak slot if the tails was bound to a transmog. I love my belts and cloaks, so I definitely prefer it being a customization option.


Blizzard! Worgens need a tail! The community council agrees too, show this breed some love.


Dear Blizzard. Tails Please. Signed Worgen.


Giving hearts for support. May this thread grow to the size of MT. Everest. Then it will be impossible to ignore.


If they announce this at Blizzcon, Moonguard is going to have a parade.