Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

They aren’t wolves.
They are worgen.

The Druid of the Pack turned into wolves, which had tails.
But Worgen are not Wolves and so they do not have tails.

The biology and anatomy of a Worgen was never meant to have a tail, because it is just not a creature with a tail.


You can’t just tell someone that they cant be in the forums.
You also cant blame someone for reporting your post, as talking about that is against the ToS :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I didn’t report your post, so clearly other people were like “Hey, calling people out on the forums is against the ToS, and thats not okay”.

Maybe follow the rules next time and you wont get flagged, yeah?


Depends on the artist/author. Some do, some don’t. Some werewolves are fully wolf form, just huge. Some werewolves are bi-pedal.


Give Worgen a choice on tails.


then they’ll need tail armor, if that thing gets cut off they ded


I didnt say you cant be in the forums learn to read. Good lord.


“Ushi get out of every darn Worgen thread”
Your words.
Not mine ;D


Yes cause you run your mouth demanding your lore for our race.


Give Worgen tails.


Let us remember that since its creation in Cataclysm, worgen has received a form below that which existed in Alpha, and of which the current one we have today, is a worthy successor, had several customizations eliminated due to limitations and other problems.
Cataclism suffered several cuts.

Today, there are resources that were not available before.
There is no single type of werewolves.
About problems with lore, blizzard retcon with anything when it’s convenient.
What’s the inconvenience with something that won’t change the gameplay?
Blood elves with blue eyes will not be more powerful for that.
A worgen with a proportional tail, will it be that much more overpowah?

I have seen people considering bad some of the new possible skin customizations for worgens because they are not in the lore but humans of different colors are also not, but we will see several soon.

Purple blood elves weren’t there either, and the explanation for them is ridiculous. And yet here they are.

The more things that make it possible for us to be more and more complete is always welcome.

P.s. : Give Worgen Tails


I’m allowed to have an opinion, just like you’re allowed to as well.
I don’t know why you feel the need to insult me at every turn.
I’m sorry you’re so upset over your tailless booty that you feel you need to attack others who are allowed to state their opinion as well.


Worgen have been getting the screwed by other players who dont play the race for years at this point. Every time there is a Worgen post someone has to go and scream they never had tails, the lore dont support it, I dont want furrys in my game… And Blizzard bows to the demands of these children over and over. You even have to play Horde to figure out what happens to the Worgen to get the whole story of lore because rather than take time with a revamped zone like they did for Goblins, as soon as your done with the Worgen starting zone you do Night Elf quests till your done. The Lore of World of Warcraft is long dead at this point. I am a lore lover and yet to be perfectly honest I dont care about the lore anymore as any time it suits Blizzard they just change it to fit whatever they want it to be… Oh Night Elfs want mages… Well you see there was this faction that just happened to exist… Just ignore the lore of Night Elves who use any form of Arcane magic are physically transformed into High Elves… We changed that.
The original concept art had tails on Worgen but Worgen were a hot mess. Female Worgen didnt even exist till a month and a half before release of Cata and what existed had options. One month before release the kiddie patrol ran in QQing about the Furrys and we ended up with one of the worst looking models in WoW for 10 years.
Worgen players are passionate about the race we choose to play I have 1 of every class that a Worgen can be. I am just honestly sick of everyone who runs to every Worgen post to demand what they want for a race that most of them don’t even play.
Blizzard ignores there own lore and made Worgen models smaller than they should be. The model should be 8 feet tall… We are 6 foot 10 inches. We used to be 7 feet 2 inches. Why shrink the model? Why are Worgen ignored in everything we request? I get banned every time there is changes to Worgen because Blizzard dont want to hear me complain about the model. Maybe if they would give a damn I wouldnt complain. I pay my monthly dues and have been since 04. Just give us a break and let us have options.



I am going to copy/pasta a few things here as I mentioned on another worgen tail thread:

“It’s against lore.”

There is no actual lore stating a worgen cannot physically have a tail. Meanwhile it is against the lore when it comes to dark skinned blood elves. Darker skin tones = pigmentation and everything you see about high/blood elves depicts that they are fair skinned.

“They never had tails before.”

We didn’t have straight back orcs either… Also again, there is official concept art that did show them having tails and it just didn’t get into the game. It could have very well been time constraints because I distinctly remembering the alpha models being switched about 2 weeks before Cataclysm went live to the models we had up into 8.2.5. Female worgen were notorious for the WoW team getting flustered.

“Werewolves don’t have tails.”

Elder Scrolls, Werewolf the Apocalypse, and several other movies out there say hello.

“Christie Golden says they don’t have tails and she is a writer for Blizzard.”

That’s just it, she is a writer for Blizzard. Blizzard gives her the content to write narratives to tell the story of Warcraft. She does not do in game design. While she does have an input on story dev, she doesn’t actually have the say on what the story is. She admitted her mistake on Genn but again, as I stated before, If she wrote Genn to have a tail then even she believes that worgen should have tails.

Let’s not mention the fact that in alpha concept art for Cataclysm, worgen (females at least) did in fact have tails.

Proof in this video and imgur:

Art with my worgen with a tail:

Better look at worgen tail on custom model with the alpha skeleton pose:

FINALLY something I haven’t posted before:

23:50 RIght after the lady says, “Awesome, thank you” and before Taliesin speaks, you hear “GIVE WORGEN TAILS” being shouted when the question is asked about char customization. This was at Blizzcon Last year


Gonna just stick this here in this thread, since people keep saying stuff about concept art. No tail. No tail. No tail. No tail. No tail. no tail. No tail. No tail. No tail. No tail. No tail. No tail. No tail. No tail. No tail. No tail.



We don’t care Ushi, you’re a vocal minority with a bad attitude who is obviously against player options and customization. You’re okay with Asian humans and dark skinned elves which breaks lore suddenly appearing into the game but yet so butthurt that worgen players want tail options.


How come youre allowed to post things on all the forums, but suddenly I’m not allowed to?
I also never said I was okay with them.


Why can’t you take the hint that no one wants you here Ushi. You’ve been nothing but condescending to people who have been wanting this feature for the longest time and it was actually going to be a thing for the worgen but was ultimately cut due to time constraints. Bet you didn’t know that now did you? Go ahead and keep reporting me. You’re just toxic and not wanted here. Sorry you can’t accept that.


I’ve actually been none of those. But you described yourself pretty well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I like I get the one blamed for reporting. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: You think your rude posts aren’t being noticed by other people?
Our discord certainly is noticing lol.
I’m allowed as much as you guys are.
You guys are allowed to spam your “Give Worgen Tails” and I’m allowed to post why I don’t think Worgen should have tails.

You must be really fun at parties if you throw this big of a fit at anyone who remotely disagrees with you.
If you’re so offended by my opinions, you can simply ignore me :slight_smile:


Thanks for keeping the thread bumped. Also I find it hilarious that you’re whining to your little friends on your MG discord because you’re so mad people want more options for their worgen. Gotta send the mob at people you don’t like in the typical MG RP community way huh? I pity you. You said your piece and many people pointed out how you constantly stalk people thread to thread. I’ve seen it myself.

Stop trying to fight every single person in this damn thread that wants more options because YOU disagree. We got your point so hush up about it already.


Give Worgens tails