Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Ah, a fellow Worgen of culture.


Canā€™t quite put my claws on it but something looks familiar about you twoā€¦ Oh I know you both would look better with an optional tail!


they need to seperate that face option from the scar option so I can have a cool diamond on my face without having a scratchy nose


Come on, Blizzard peoples! Give the puppers their tails already! It wouldnā€™t be difficult to do, for cryingā€™ out loud!


Denle colas a los worgens.

What do you guys think about Cat Options or Fox Options for Worgen like from FF14 and League?

Also Lord Harford, the Worgen you kill in the DK intro quest was a Paladin I believe. He was wearing the tabard.


Now there is an interesting tradeoff: A quest reward from Goldrinn. Embrace the Wolf and gain a tail, but lose the ability to become Human! Would accept in a heartbeat!


I remember when they updated the models; my first reaction looking at my girl run from behind was GAWD sheā€™s waddling like a penguin! Heh, I suppose I got used to it over timeā€¦

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Why should there be a tradeoff? Just give worgen tail options


Iā€™d be fine with a saberon allied race, more so if it looks decent in updated graphics and has a female model that looks good too from the get go. Although Iā€™m more so hoping for worgen to get optional tails than a cat race.


Worgens would be so cute with little fuzzy puffball bunny tails.


o yes, theyreā€™s even one aganst the hihj elf race thst they use to flag bomb our posts, its unbelievale

omce again i want to supprt worgen taiils, it hurts no one end they look cool

It was not always that wayā€¦

This is technically cannon


Rest in peace the idea of drakonid or dracthyr having breasts on the model. Would honestly help me tell them apart as Iā€™m sorry but nothing is more awkward than hearing a big muscle bound dragon that looks quite masculine having a feminine voice. Donā€™t got to be huge justā€¦big enough. I mean come on the dang tuskarr women got them, I think female gnolls do too but the lady dragons donā€™t?

Oh and god worgen would look amazing with tailsā€¦ hoping they get them


I donā€™t think itā€™s awkward at all. Dragons or dragon-like creatures with breasts seems much more odd to me. Tuskarr and gnolls are mammals. They have boobies. Dragons are reptilian. They do not have the boobies.


You also gotta remember this is a fantasy game, fantasy doesnā€™t need to abide by real life reasons but I guess Blizzard agreed with you as we dracthyr got pretty much shafted on a good few fronts. Hopefully they wonā€™t continue to be cruel to the worgen and instead be kind for once by giving them optional tails. At this point Iā€™d settle for a female visage form thatā€™s either tauren, worgen, pandaren, or hey Vulpera as Iā€™m not truly fond of the other races and a tad annoyed I got stuck with elf boy or human girl as if at gun point only to be told ā€œA visage is how one sees themselfā€ yet not having such a choice as far as we dracthyr are concerned


So this came out today. Check it out, worgen demon hunter confirmed. ;D
Which honestly doesnā€™t surprise me since they already confirmed every class/race combination is gonna happen.

If it appears in Hearthstone, it can appear in WoW!


Probably the only way Iā€™d play one. I hate playing elves. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


Yeah I know the feelingā€¦ hoping after worgen get their tails dracthyr get non human and non elf visage options.