Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I don’t know about everyone else but I’m bringing my Worgen with their tails to show off. >.>


always a nice idea yeah… showing off the amazing tail and letting the haters who were against them weep as they didn’t get their way


So do I need to bring snacks for some kind of tail braiding party?


Only if you’re a horse.

Supposedly it’s because paladins are immune to curses and disease. Which is why paladins couldn’t be killed by the plague of undeath. Though they could still be murdered directly and turned into an undead. But there is absolutely no lore saying that someone can’t become a paladin AFTER becoming a worgen. And becoming a paladin doesn’t break pre-existing curses or diseases. It’s like a vaccine. It won’t cure you if you already have it.

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I am the exact opposite. I love female humans but detest male humans.

I want to love worgen but its SO GOD DAMN HARD!

If they’re perfectly still and from the front they look okay. But watching them move from the back is so atrocious. I often wanted to be in human form when running around outside combat so I didn’t look like a constipated chimp.

I’m not sure wanting to love something so god damn hard in-game is possible outside of Goldshire.

Love is not lust silly billy

So Humans and Orcs got now hair colors and Nightborne are getting new Eye/Hair Colors.

Hopefully this this means they are getting a lot of easy additions added.

And I would like to point out the bones for the tails are already done so they just have to do the art/ui elements.


“With or without, worgen will still chase their tail!”
-Confucius Probably


Chase or Chase not… that is the question. You know the answer and so does Blizzard. Give Worgen optional tails and a lore correct size already.


yeah you’d think tails for worgen would be the easiest thing in the world for them to do so why haven’t they done it already? I’d love to know their reasoning and not just some troll claiming worgen never had them to begin with which as we all know is a BS lie. I mean the official blizzard art in the cataclysm artbook has worgen with tails in it… which means we were supposed to have them but they cut them from our model because they probably had a budget cut at one point. Hopefully this gets fixed… the bones are there we just need the tails for said bones. Sadly I can take a good guess what is going to happen to us…and forgive me everyone if this proves true… they’re going to say “We’re giving new customizations to worgen” but not a dang thing is given to our worgen forms and the human forms get a toggle and new stuff to become relevant. I swear…if they say we’re getting new stuff and they give us such a finger as to deny our worgen form more things and give everything to the human forms… I might go a tad rabid with anger


I…for one hope worgen get countless customizations for their worgen form…and optional tails. So long as they’re not done the injustice Blizz did to us Dracthyr…our dragon forms don’t get new options based on gender…both genders share the same dragon form…our dragon form means nothing as they must of worked harder on the visages. Only armor that shows on dragon form which we are most the time unless the toggle is used is belts and shoulders… why…why even give us a dragon race at all if our dragon form means nothing. It’s like they expected us to want to be a scaley elf or human rather than a dragon… I just found this out today too… god I hope that toggle they’re giving worgens doesn’t force the same injustice upon them as I’ll probably lose what respect for Blizz I have left V_V


The most likely reason is it requires 3D assets and they’re mostly doing recolors atm.

Hopefully we can get more info soon on what direction they are going.

Technically, this thread is Worgen chasing tails.


need to get this to 14k posts


It will get there young one. We just broke 13k. Never question the resolve of Worgen players. If we can put up with the abomination for 10 years we can put up with being the butt of Blizzard’s jokes. But we will not stop till we have optional tails, lore correct size and more customization for our core look that brings us up to par with other races.


Good news if anything… Worgen getting tails as far as I’ve seen didn’t end up part of the April Fools joke so…that’s a good sign yeah? Here’s hoping this is a sign we’ll get the optional tails we desire and well…a lot more options overall. We’ve come this far and we’re not stopping now


I was half expecting it. But now that its not a thing. Blizzard give Worgen optional tails and a lore correct size!


Maybe. Or just as likely, they knew better than to test our limits, and make our request the butt of yet another joke.



Worgen tails wouldn’t look right. Worgens don’t have the hip swinging waggle to make it swoosh from side to side in a pleasant manner.