Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Give wuggos tails.


The san’layn are ones raised by the lich king that directly wield things like blood magic, they’re an entire different breed of elf than the dark rangers who’re just undead elves.

Pack form doesn’t even NEED to be its own thing. Druids need more Skin options and Pack form as a Skin for Cat form would be Amazing!

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Balance druids have to use the same oooooooooooooooooooooooold form since vanilla. It’s just sad… :sweat_smile:


You must not have done the loderon questline. It’s quite clear the term darkfallen also refers to san’layn or any undead elves including but not limited to dark rangers.

Pack form is uncontrollable due to the rage of Goldrinn but just think about it. Worgen have already undergone a ritual to help them control thier inner rage. Now add the blessing of Goldrinn to them and you could justify giving Worgen pack form rather than turning into a cat. Being unique to Worgen would be an incentive to play the race. There are no downsides to it.


plot twist. Pack form becomes a skin for bear form because, we already got were bear and getting a feral Worgen that looks like a hulk wouldn’t be too hard, and bonus. that Rage is what bear works off off. :bear:

Give wuggos tails


Oh I did the lordaeron questline but just because elves got rezzed by valkyr doesn’t make them San’layn. Nothing you say will change my mind, San’layn are their own breed of elves and after the alliance attacked a trio of them in BFA they want nothing to do with Horde or Alliance so no we don’t got San’layn looks. Besides just because your elf’s eyes are red or they’re undead doesn’t make them vampires it makes them undead elves. Besides elves don’t need more stuff they’ve got plenty what needs to happen is worgen getting more things like optional tails, upright posture for the guys, and more fur colors. If you want to say you’re a vampire despite the fact nobody can be a vampire elf yet that’s your problem but that can be taken elsewhere this thread is for asking for worgen customizations not elves

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It’s canon. Regardless of what your “mind” says about it regardless of if it’s “changed” or not it remains factual in the warcraft universe.

Even if it wasn’t RP characters can be whatever they want so it’s a pointless argument.

I just came in here to say the lack of tails on worgen made me not want to be a werewolf because of the lack of fantasy fufillment AND how derpy the walk animation is. You’re the one who criticized me for going elf.

Not that it matters but I didn’t go Vulpera because it wasn’t the tail I wanted. It was a tail on worgen to fufill my perception of werewolf fantasy and thus I switched fantasy. If I tried to be a vulpera werewolf I’d be what a gnome worgen? That’s even more farfetched. At least vampires exist in wow lore. There is no evidence of gnome worgen.


Dont tale me you think speaking tails on the forums is gonna get you Worgens tells.

Gib Wuggos Tails.

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Go home spooky your drunk.


Give Wuggos Tails.

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I’ve returned to give mysupport for


Give Worgen Tails!


WTB Worgen tail options.

Dragons can turn into Vulpera.
But Worgen cant grow a tail?
Surely the World of Warcraft has enough magical transformation tools at its disposal in All of Azeroth that growing a tail is a minor fete.
What is stopping Worgen from visiting the great and powerful Barber, who is skilled and many transformation altering effects.


Give Worgen Tails!


"So the bones slide through there entire body to form a tail?

No not how that works"

This is probably a bad time to tell you that humans have tails, and tail vertebrae. It wouldn’t be weird at all.
Also a tailbone wouldn’t need to go through the “entire body” (?)

Anyway, give worgen tails. They’re bipedal wolves. being tailless is extremely weird.


Gib wuggos tails!