Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

what if the tail spins like a helipcopter and lets them fly

I’d just like to see worgen get some type of customization. Tail option, face options, more wolf-like druid options, ect. Literally anything would be nice and appreciated. The last model update we got more eye colors and fur colors, which are great. We need to continue to push to have our voices heard about expanded options.


what if they spin their tail like the guy from Sonics and they fly at super speeds

Give worgen tails Blizzard. Give worgens more customization in general. We have the lowest amount of options compared to all the other core races.

Honestly aside from all the other stuff, the biggest let down for me this expansion was the fact that they scrapped adding in new customization and releasing more in waves as the expansion went on like they said they would. At least they warned us about it, but it still sucks a lot.

Honestly at this point I’m just praying that they do finally give us stuff this expansion come 10.1. At least a blue post would help out a lot just to tell us hey, we hear you, just wait a little longer, we got you covered. We’ve been patient. We were patient with the model updates, and we were super positive about it, hopefully this time we don’t have to wait just as long as we waited for our models to finally be updated.


Give worgen tail options!


My future worgen boyfriend WILL have a tail!!!


Are you implying that you have a human boyfriend and you’ll force them to get infected when we get tails, or that you’ll only date a worgen who has a tail?

Cause one is a preference and the other is a police report.

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You could always roleplay as a worgen tail.

Last day of game time - Worgen tails would be ver’ appreciated Blizz


Still supporting tails for worgen. How about Blizzard? Tail options? Bring it with dragonlands! We’d love it.

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and it would be nice if they added a wag effect and a tail between your legs effect.

that way my worgen can wag his tail when he is eating a feast

and put it between his legs as he is walking away from his vault each week with nothing useful and only items that share a slot with his legendary.


wht if they had 4 tails and it spun like a helicopter

No then you have people complaining about being tail lashed in pvp .

they can beat peopl,e with their tails then

New Worgen racial: Tail trip. Can only be used by Worgen with an optional tail. Instantly trip your target with your tail causing them to trip and fall instantly killing them. Can not be used in pve, 2 second cool down due to tail needing to swing back to the original position. Sounds balanced. :wink:

But why only worgen’s not fair :confused: :cry:

Thinking of that put chain mail on tail ,run thru tall people legs and wag :thinking:.

imagine if you had 4 tails like tails in sonic and you could fly

You can have it too but due to your small size it only will do half dmg.

as long as you can fly thats good enough