Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

My point is that it’s seen as worth it if a large number of people make a good case for it. If there is an obvious want for it.

most of the replies are from the same 10 or so people, with maybe 200 unique posters here

and as far as i know, no one in game is going nuclear for worgen tails either

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And Blizzard has not once said anything to that affect, unlike multiple times having said no to high elves, ‘the horde is waiting for you’ and ‘blood elves are high elves’.

The only ones clamoring that it isn’t worth the time or resources, is those who as has been mentioned before, either would never play the race, or would never use the optional choice in the first place, and so it has no bearing on them other than to deny someone else something that they feel fit would their character.

Also again on the keyword, optional.

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I’d like to point they’re giving void elves ‘high elf’ eye option as a customization. So they’re not above making a comprimise even though they’re not making high elves a seperate race. It’s not like they’re asking for a whole subrace of worgen here.

It’s a tail option, not that big a deal.

that’s not a “large number”

On the forums, it is. A minority of players use the forums.

they don’t have too, its common sense. if they don’t want it in, they aren’t gonna add it, they don’t need an explanation for what they do with their game

You think they don’t want to. Why?

cause after years when they were introduced and a model makeup, they would’ve thrown it in by now

especially when they made the model in cataclysm

I see the point to what was said, has gone so far over your head it went to the stratosphere. Regardless, the point was made, and there is no need to to feed your already stated need to see people supposedly ‘blow up’, so I’m done, think what you will.

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Incorrect. They were reworks. New customization is happening now. Give a different reason.

i already did

when we first saw worgen they had no tails, and were enemy npcs

when they were added as playable, they still had no tails

if they pictured worgen with tails, they would’ve had them in that transition when they made player models, but they didnt

Um…Fluffy, the alpha model had a tail. The only reason it didn’t stay was due to a technical difficulty at the time. Now with the other options is the perfect time to rig and code in a tail option for worgen.

Fluffy, I get it, you don’t want a tail. Guess what, noone is going to force you to use it as long as it’s optional.

Assuming they make it standard and a tail bugs you that much, there’s always Mr Race change option.

i don’t care if they get tails or not, it’s just polygons to me, no big deal

i just want to break the echo chamber

Right, because they had very limited time to spend on the models. That’s why they looked so trash when they came out.

They would not add tails to the remodel because that was not for the remodel. New customization options are happening now.

Concept art had tails. Give a better reason or your reasons are bad.

Technical limitations that were removed with all the work to deal with Vulpera tails, that can now be applied to shadowlands with the customization, not just skin updates coming

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concept art is concept

meaning if they don’t like it, they throw it away and make new art

they decided the concept was bad, and made a new one. one without tails

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What are you talking about? There is no echo chamber here. There are a dozen differing opinions in here.


Since we all know and you’re choosing to ignore the time constraint that Blizzard openly admitted led to an unfinished model.

You’re really not though. Especially the fact there are multiple pieces of evidence the contridict your arguments even within the various Blizzard artwork and other IPs.

You’re offering nothing constructive, especially after trying to encourage a blantant troll to continue their nonsense. Which, might I add, could get you in trouble.