Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

What does that mean?

I disagree I think blizzard doesn’t want to put in the effort to stick a tail on worgen even though a majority of worgen mains are asking for it. It would require them to update the worgen model or work on it sadly

Actually the tail is already there.

They’d just have to do a little animation work, and give it a visual look.

Like the tail is part of the model, its how the Sethrak and Saurok have had tails. Both of which use the same model with some modifications.

EDIT: Forgot to mention the Saberon as well

Literally Worgen are the only use of this model that doesn’t have a tail.

Cinematic Genn is pretty great.
My favorite movie werewolf is probably VanHelsing. Only complaint there was the ears were a big too long. Wolves are short. They were fantastic otherwise.

you deleted a fox
for having a tail? If you hate tails so much shouldn’t you delete your draenei too as they got tails too. Worgens having tail options takes nothing away from you
if you’re going to troll go somewhere else

Honestly the proper response would be give worgen tails and also give vulpera/draenei a no tail option. Vulpera especially since Captain Eudora has a no tail option themselves. The more options for everyone the better!


Foxy, I am sorry that I pushed your furry button! Draenei tail is not too bad. I had it thinned. The fox tail is too bushy, distracting and ugly. Having a different opinion is not trolling! :wink:

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I like this look better.

Hoping for Pandarne males to also one day have a long tail option


Underworld and Twilight are both movies with Warewolves.

Upgrade today to the new Warewolf! Now with wifi and Bluetooth!

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The only argument against male pandaren having tails is it seems that male pandaren are exclusively based on giant pandas (who would have guessed) while female pandaren are a mix of a giant panda and a red panda so the tail option exists for females. Worgen are based on wolves who universally have tails.

BUT, this is also a FANTASY game and having reasonable OPTIONS isn’t a bad thing.

Give Worgen and male Pandaren tails!


I wish the people who keep complaining about things like undead paladins, worgen tails, the color of elf eyes/skin, whatever, would understand this fist. Especially the word “game.”

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Worgen are based on Werewolves, who typically don’t have tails. Worgen aren’t dogs. They’re humans with a disease.

Just imagine, it’s not like the changes to your arms and face would be pain free but your coccyx stretching, uncurling and ripping out from inside your butt-flesh to form a tail, would drive anyone to seppuku.

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Werewolves typically have tails.

There are some media where they don’t, but even the furthest back legends tend to flip flop on that.

No, they don’t, I can’t think of any werewolves from popular media that have tails.

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“The appearance of a werewolf in its animal form varies from culture to culture, though it is most commonly portrayed as being indistinguishable from ordinary wolves save for the fact that it has no tail (a trait thought characteristic of witches in animal form), is often larger, and retains human eyes and a voice.”

From Wiki. Can’t post links =/

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"The beliefs classed together under lycanthropy are far from uniform, and the term is somewhat capriciously applied. The transformation may be temporary or permanent; the were-animal may be the man himself metamorphosed; may be his double whose activity leaves the real man to all appearance unchanged; may be his soul, which goes forth seeking whomever it may devour, leaving its body in a state of trance; or it may be no more than the messenger of the human being, a real animal or a familiar spirit, whose intimate connection with its owner is shown by the fact that any injury to it is believed, by a phenomenon known as repercussion, to cause a corresponding injury to the human being.

Werewolves were said in European folklore to bear tell-tale physical traits even in their human form. These included the meeting of both eyebrows at the bridge of the nose, curved fingernails, low-set ears and a swinging stride. One method of identifying a werewolf in its human form was to cut the flesh of the accused, under the pretense that fur would be seen within the wound. A Russian superstition recalls a werewolf can be recognized by bristles under the tongue.[32] The appearance of a werewolf in its animal form varies from culture to culture, though it is most commonly portrayed as being indistinguishable from ordinary wolves save for the fact that it has no tail (a trait thought characteristic of witches in animal form), is often larger, and retains human eyes and a voice. According to some Swedish accounts, the werewolf could be distinguished from a regular wolf by the fact that it would run on three legs, stretching the fourth one backwards to look like a tail.[45] After returning to their human forms, werewolves are usually documented as becoming weak, debilitated and undergoing painful nervous depression.[32] One universally reviled trait in medieval Europe was the werewolf’s habit of devouring recently buried corpses, a trait that is documented extensively, particularly in the Annales Medico-psychologiques in the 19th century.[32]"


The full context.

Note the top.

“The beliefs classed together under lycanthropy are far from uniform, and the term is somewhat capriciously applied. The transformation may be temporary or permanent; the were-animal may be the man himself metamorphosed; may be his double whose activity leaves the real man to all appearance unchanged; may be his soul, which goes forth seeking whomever it may devour, leaving its body in a state of trance; or it may be no more than the messenger of the human being, a real animal or a familiar spirit, whose intimate connection with its owner is shown by the fact that any injury to it is believed, by a phenomenon known as repercussion, to cause a corresponding injury to the human being.”

Media portrays them with and without a tail with reckless abandon and again the earliest legends also flip flopped on this topic just as much.

If you’d like I can go looking for those early legends but I’d rather just not bother. Werewolves sometimes have tails, sometimes don’t. Get over it.

We’d like to see Worgen get OPTIONAL tails. You don’t want it? Don’t use it.

Oh and I can post links

Here is the article.


I never said they were dogs, the animal that werewolves are based on are wolves. Which have tails. Worgen are an iteration on the traditional werewolf, which the myth spans a history of anywhere from 3.5 to 4 thousand years. Some werewolves have tails, and some don’t. It’s a moot point to argue if they do or don’t have tails since both are true.

All we want is an option to have tails, which I personally think would make them more fearsome since they are now even less connected to being human and more towards being an animal.

I’d also like to see more face options to make us look less cute like we currently are. But if someone wants to make their worgen look cute I wouldn’t tell them “No, you’re wrong and you should feel bad for wanting to have customization options for your character.”

It’s about options people, worgen have 5/6 options. Hair, face, fur color, eyes, ears, and beards for males. We’re just tired of getting shafted all the time.


Cannot. Say. This. Enough.

There is something to be said about it making us look more balanced too.

More face options
 Going on my list.

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