Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

It really is very good.
A fan made. So it’s not so much work, with the resources of a professional studio to make something even better.


Support for the puppers. Give them their tails, Blizz!


With 7k+ posts I hope blizzard sees we want them.


They are aware of this topic, this for sure.

Should have been given the Worgen more care through Battle for Azeroth though. Not only was the quest line bugged but the heritage armor is an embarrassment if you have seen the fan edits during that time.


Yeah, you guys definitely deserve some love. I’ll always support worgen getting tails.

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I still cannot believe how careless they are when it comes to Alliance-races. The pocket watch has no physicals but hey, at least the wrench on the Goblin armor wiggles around like madness.


I’m rather fond of Genn’s getup in HoTS.


I know both armors from the moba game but you got a low budget version not worth being proud of.

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Indeed. Sadly, a lot of us have gotten bitter about it. First they gave us nothing but horses (with a bee mount much later to try to rectify), then decided mechagnomes were an equivalent substitute for vulpera. It would have been like Alliance getting Sethrak while Horde get mecha-goblins.

And the worgen heritage armor was depressing to say the last. Was expecting some kind of sleek duster / trench coat.


Oh, I have already forgotten about the horse mounts. What an actual embarrassment it was. I still don’t understand why our faction whined so much about the Bee mount. It was native to the location and the bee keepers there, why should the Horde get access to it in the first place?


I’m referring to his base model. Its, as you seem to know, not far off from what we did get. Just some minor changes that would have made our in game heritage very nice.

I’m more annoyed at the heritage quest basically saying the curse that makes us strong is somehow bad.



I think a lot disliked that the bee can’t be used on Horde characters at all, even if you unlocked it on an Alliance character.
Compared to Ku’fon which the Horde have a quest chain for to raise etc can be used by Alliance characters after you’ve unlocked it as Horde.


Oh, yes. I remember it now. They shouldn’t have been accessible for the Alliance to begin with.

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I don’t see a curse. Only cuteness. hi

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The worgen heritage armor is actually amazing if you hide the shoulders and hat.

It is okay… I’m not even salty about the shoulders. The biggest problem is the pieces are not connected properly. So part of the coat is actually a part of the pants. Part of the gloves are actually a part of the coat.


Well space goats are an interesting race.

To each their own.

This is about worgens.

Oh Chespin is back! Wheres your friend Ushi?

Whatever you’re trying to request you should go post it in the threads where Linxy is watching.

About worgen getting something which they never had? It would be strange to give them tails now. The model has been seriously worked on 4 times. Don’t be fooled by the size of this thread 2k comments are done by 10 people.