Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

They do work with the lore, and you plus another individual had proved it yourself when attempting to counter me. Their eyes change color depending on the magic they interact with. That has been established lore for years. Some individuals, like Shadow Priests and Warlocks interact with Void magic. That too has been established lore for years.

Worgen have never had tails, and they never will. All instances of Worgen since their introduction have been without tails. All playable Worgen are Humans (and the originals being Elves), and the curse simply added onto their current form by modifying their base appearance. It did not add any additional appendages. Original concept art is non-canon, and so is Hearthstone if they were (or maybe already have) to add a tailed Worgen there.

The Pack Form argument doesn’t apply because they are two entirely different forms.

The only likely reason Worgen would get tails would be if a tailed race was given the Worgen curse, as the tail would get modified durning the transformation. If you want tails, advocate for that or instead request Saberon as a playable race.

It was a deliberate design choice to not give them tails. Even more deliberate in fact as some original concept proposed the idea and it was denied. Additionally a Worgen was supposedly given a tail by accident in a novel and board game, and those too were quickly fixed by Blizzard shortly after the mistake.

Worgen are based off Werewolves which in MOST occurrences are tailless. Worgen are also a human/wolf hybrid that leans to the human side, even more since they are not feral (in terms of the ones that are playable).

Not every “animal based race” needs a tail.

Being a Worgen is a curse, and transitioning between Human and Worgen is simply tapping into that curse in a controlled way. It’s not the same as a Druid shapeshifting. They are curse humans, they aren’t descended from wolves.

Oh and if you want an even further point to finish this up, Christie Golden herself (a senior writer for World of Warcraft) has stated they do not have tails.

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but yet there is blue skinned panda’s now, pandas can choose a long tail or a nub for tails as either as a regular panda or a red panda, also all the new skins for the pandas including BLUE all have that same option either a nub or long tail, bottom line is customization!

How many Orcs are openly LGBTQ in cannon?

As far as I am aware, there aren’t any.

The thing about the purple eyes thought is, there is only one instance where they would indeed work, you wouldn’t even need a explanation for em, and that is only if they were exclusive to void elves, as them utilizing void magic and training that under Alleria would definitely unlock a purple eye effect for them, as we did indeed see during the first iteration of the void elves. They had purple eyes, along with that blueish/purple skin that once again as I said, is a result of them utilizing that void magic and mutating their skin to another color. Alleria fights for the Alliance, and brings in blood elves who would part ways from their horde factions or were out casted by them as we saw in the void elf unlock quest. She wouldn’t just train them and then send em off back to the horde/join the horde. As we’ve seen, they use void magic as a tactical advantage during the war, so that kind of power you definitely don’t want your enemy to get a hold of.

Now back to the tails.
You can argue that they literally get a whole skeletal restructure that is indeed way more akin to a wolf compared to human, making em way more wolf like than human. If they can get digi legs, grow a whole snout, somehow have their ears go from the side of their head to the top and shape up to be pointy, you know, like a wolf, and even have paws instead of regular human feet, surely a tail isn’t out of the question either. Literally every feature of a wolf except a tail. Clearly they adopted that whole entire feature of the wolf pact form and in to the worgen we know of today, so it wouldn’t even be surprising if you repeat said process that brought up the worgen form, you could come out with a worgen form that does have a tail, or yeah, even easier, just bite some tailed race like a draenei, although zero idea how they would react to that. Would be a fun little experiment, any draeneis wanna test that out?

Okay now to the whole media outside of wow.
There are plenty of instances where a tailed worgen has indeed popped up, most recently with hearthstone where literally the whole promotional ad for the recent expansion, you had a tailed worgen on the front cover of it. Now you would think hey wait a minute, wouldn’t someone pick up on that and change that right away? Well they didn’t, as a matter of fact they go on and add in even MORE tailed worgens in to the expansion instead of fixing it like people pointed out for them to do. Either Blizzard is messing with us, they are teasing us with something in the future, as we’ve seen hearthstone add in things that later come out in actual wow such as tortollans and n’zoth, or they are blind and didn’t bother to fix it the 50th time they promoted the art.


why are the other people trying to derail this thread anyways, and yes i remember the promos even THEIR BANNER ART had a worgen with a TAIL, yes a TAIL

found it the banner art
Hearthstone (@PlayHearthstone) / Twitter


Let’s not give “Lore” the time of day anymore. Despite the name, he has no actual correct argument. For example:

Factually wrong, and has already been proven wrong in this same thread if you bothered to read the entire thing.

Lore’s only reasoning is, ‘It doesn’t fit into my narrative so it shouldn’t happen, nyah.’ Like any other petulant child. Note even when I corrected him on his whole ‘purple = arcane’ argument. He had nothing to come back with on that.

So let’s just politely ignore this one and continue our support for tail options. Dang it, I want my tail.

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Let’s also not forget this trailer.
We got not one, not two, but three. THREE INSTANCES where a tailed worgen appeared in the trailer. Let me say it again, Tailed worgens appeared IN THE TRAILER. That surely had to go through many screenings, early previews for Blizzard staff, approvals from the main wow team, and much more background stuff. No way that would have gone through the first screening for em unless they deliberately included tails in as a tease of what’s to come, as they have in previous hearthstone expansions where we see things in hearthstone, that later pops up in World of Warcraft.


yeah so am hoping its news for the #giveworgentails


Ha, not likely.

He has the most ironic name for a person to say no to things with no reasoning given at any point for his words.

I bet he’ll demand the burden of proof is on us too.


Not having tails or having tails won’t even change anything about what a worgen is or isn’t…

Don’t see why people get hung up on their lore with this…

What you talking about?


If you mean nightborne they did change.

Not being able to back up your horrendously incorrect outdated lore isn’t a great look either.

Red pandas aren’t even pandas…

Bring the source that directly says that’s what is happening. Otherwise it’s just a guess.

As we’ve told you, there is no lore to explain purple eyes at this time. We do not know what causes them.

This is not true actually.

They’ve got tails in hearthstone, and in much of their concept art.

Hearthstone has been mentioned in one of the more recent books so is in the world.

We can surmise then that the pictures exist in canon. It’s logical to say there are worgen with tails.

Even if it’s not, tails on Worgen much like purple eyes for Thalassians won’t change anything.

So it’s moot.

You’re not correct. Most werewolves have tails.

It’s not about need. It would be optional.

Like… Tell me what would change about worgen if a tail option were added?

Where would worgen lore be affected in any meaningful way?

What’s that have to do with anything?

His name is so ironic.




Logically it is on both, and I’ve already done my side. The name is absolutely accurate, because I actually do care about the lore.

You’re the ones ignoring what’s canon and non-canon.

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You don’t even know the lore…

Again though, can you tell me what tails would damage as far as lore?

Optional tails won’t change what we are. It won’t make any of our story out of date.

So why do you die on such a foololish cosmetic hill?

It’s fine to have an opinion based on supposition and previous lore, but until proven otherwise by actual lore, that’s all it is.

You do that a lot it seems.

Tails 9n worgen may not be canon right now but their optional addition would be meaningless to the lore.

Just like new eye colors to forsaken, Void Elves, blood elves, zandalari and so on.

None of their new eye colors (save the blue for Thalassians ) have any lore to them at this time.

You fight for nothing.


And there is Hearthstone art that has tails. So wrong again… Dude I don’t understand your hate for the idea but you are wrong.


I have not made a single mistake in terms of the lore I’ve been mentioning thus far. If I did make a mistake, I’d be certain to correct it.

I was referring to canon instances, and the examples you just listed are non-canon.

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Answer my question.

Can you tell me what tails would damage as far as lore?

Optional tails won’t change what we are. It won’t make any of our story out of date.

So why do you die on such a foololish cosmetic hill?

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You are still wrong as the concept art had tails. So please go elsewhere with your posts as your opinion don’t really matter worth a damn and no one here who wants tails cares that some scrub from Classic comes in and runs his worthless mouth.


It actually makes me chuckle that he calls himself Lore, but can’t even correlate the magical elements and where they’re derived from properly.

And I, or anyone else, is supposed to derive anything from his “infallible” logic other than, ‘I don’t want worgen to have tails so I’m going to make up a bunch of baloney.’

Just admit you don’t want a tail on your worgen and that’s the extent of your argument. Hence why we are requesting it be OPTIONAL. Opt-ion-al, see I even said it slowly so Lore would understand.


Why even bother defending lore anymore? Blizzard doesn’t give a damn about consistency with their stories and lore anymore, so why should anyone else?

At this point it shouldn’t be about “bUt MaH lOrE,” it should be about letting people customize and have as much fun with their characters as possible.

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I never understood this feeling.

Lore has been expanded for the most part… Not destroyed…

Just like adding tails to worgen would expand their lore not damage it.

I’d call him a troll if I wasn’t once like him…

He’s confusing logical assumptions with hard lore. It’s a common mistake.

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