Not sure that’s correct, though, friend.
Pretty sure most of the frequent posters in this thread are very fond of the Worgo race. I know I am.
I also wish they had a tail. Deffos not mutually exclusive.
I wish to be optimistic too, but i can’t help to remember our heritage armor and the very few new customization options we got.
Let’s say that i have some hope.
Hmm we could apply your statement for anything, let’s say wildhammer tatoos on bronzebeard dwarves or High elves skin and blue eyes for the Void elves.
Both were never meant to have these options and here they have.
That’s why we keep asking for options, even “out of ordinary” ones.
We are fond of our favourite race.
They designed them rather well they just never implemented a few aspects of that design.
Give me night elf worgen too!
That looks amazing!
Also, tails please!
I want my swishy tail! Give tail option please.
Just make the tail optional. End of story. If you want to use it use it if not thats fine too.
Also fix Worgen to be the lore correct 8 foot size. Git It Done Blizzard.
Still want tails. Don’t give up the fight.
They’d need a /duck command to fit through doors. As a small race where a dang step breaks line of sight and the smallest puddle forces me to swim, I want to see it now. Also yes, give worgen tails.
Surprisingly the door frames in wow for humans are 8 feet 9 inches tall.
lets not and say we did
oh murr… :3
Let’s not what? Have more options? Or be the lore correct size?
worgen are fine the way they are
This is the only game where people argue against more customization options.
For you sure. Others think differently.
Give Worgen Tails
yes! very much so!
No more people want more options than the small handful of voices who dont want them. But that is also why we ask for it to be optional. The only non optional thing should be the lore correct size. Worgen are large werewolves and right now we are far too small to be considered the intimidating size we should be.
Worgen and Void Elves are like the two races you’re not allowed to ask for anything for because gatekeepers dictate they’re not allowed to for some reason outside “no”.
Worgen weren’t allowed to look “pretty” back when we actually had deep customization with the cataclysm alpha models, and then people complained if folks were asking if they could fix the mess we got out of that too.
Don’t want fangs sticking out of your face? Not allowed, gotta look savage.
Want mane colours and actual hair styles? No, gotta look savage.
Don’t want to be super hunched? No, that’s normal.
Want tails? Not allowed, lore says something about it, but really it was just an art thing that’s been broken several times through the years “by accident” even by staff to the point people just don’t care anymore.
Stop arguing against more customization.
It’s embarrassing.
The “lore” saying we can’t have tails can go pound sand.
Gimmie my tail option!