Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Wow seriously has the weirdest bunch of “I don’t want people to have things that don’t affect me” Community I have ever seen.
Give Worgen tails


Give worgen tails

Its okay. They like to conveniently forget about my first post on this thread with a million pictures of them without tails in concept and early gameplay :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Don’t mind me. I’ll see myself out before someone has an aneurysm again.


I hate to break it to you but even without a tail… werewolves and Worgens are still “furries”. They are anthro wolves essentially.

Including a tail as an optional customization isn’t some furry agenda. It helps balance the model especially for the males. It also adds more possible emotion to their animations like Vulpera have. It also looks cool. Saberon have a tail and I feel like it really brings out their animal qualities more and balances them out.

Worgens have very few new options to choose from. Stuff like tails and accessories are things we really think could help flesh out the options. If you don’t want a tail that is fair, just don’t use one :slight_smile:


I just want a tail. It’s not even a weird request. Tauren have had tails since Classic, Draenei have had tails since BC, Pandas have tails (and female pandas even have two tail ‘types’ depending on fur color), Vulpera have tails…tons of playable races have tails.

It’s weird to leave one out. Make it an option. Blizzard just invented a whole new customization menu that divides all the options to individual slots. How hard would it be to add a tail option?


Worgen can have tails but it comes at a cost. Blizz also has to give Gnomes either DH or Paladin.

Look like ol’ Bettons will be needing his trusty knife again. Ya know it’s always the thrill of the hunt really.

Why not both?? :fox_face: :heart: :wolf:


The Light has spoken.

RIP Caelus’ forum account, give worgen tails

The idea of furries comes partly from werewolves, too. Like… what do these people think furries are?

Anyways, give worgen tails, please.


Tails will make worgen look better, blizz pleaze.

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Just leaving that here.

Nah, knowing you, you’ll continue to lurk in this thread as you always have been and wait for someone to mass report with your Discord buddies like you openly admitted to earlier in this thread. You just don’t like the fact that your arguments have been countered tenfold. So please, spare us your condescending attitude, you have no actual constructive criticism or argument here.

In before she sends her little Discord friends after me for this reply. LUL


Is that what happened to Caelus?


oh Boi here we go again. Furry this and furry that :roll_eyes:


You don’t have any links until your third post and the one in question was your tenth post in this thread.

Also from how it all went down you seem to be missing the point.

Not all concept art has to show tails for the request to still be valid.

Hell none of them can show tails and its still valid.

Folk like the idea of a tail for their worgen. So they request. Valid reason whether you agree or not.

Keep requesting what you all want to see!


Yup, and a couple of others, including myself.


This is my response to that.


Like, what. - Oh wait, automated system gets you if enough people report you >_>

Yuuuuuuup. This is why automated systems are bad.


Hey add me on btag! I wanted to talk with ya. Wolfie#1352