Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I’ll bring this here up regarding the Worgen Tail discussion:

Neyssa, I think you’re overly negative towards Maizou for expressing their opinion which also resonates most of the time with me. The bigger picture here is that many of the subtle issues are not discussed by the community council and this needs to happen more often.

The Worgen-tail topic is exactly one of those discussions which needs to be brought up. Similiar to the High Elf request, it’s one of the most well-known discussions and mocking the player base through an absolute insensitive audio file is not only nonprofessional but coats the developers in a shaddy light.

If we would replace “tails” with skin color or races, then it becomes a very, very, very touchy subject. Just because people love to reduce the issue to “furry stuff” or “it’s just a gameeee”, it still does not make it appropriate to mock the paying customers.

Like it or not, Maizou was absolutely right regarding the situation. As others have pointed out, the topic goes on for a long time, gets ignored and then just mocked by the developers is actually everything one needs to know about the situation.