Give void elves/dwarves the ability to customize their racials

You can use this logic for any topic. “You have x, and you’re still unhappy!”
People are still allowed to ask for things they want in the game. This is a waste of a post.


Not playing an Alliance themed toon, since they have been with the Horde a long time. They joined the Horde.

Just like the Undead who were Humans, they joined the Horde too. Should Alliance get those too because they were an Alliance themed people at one point?


And I think the whole Helf thing is a big smelly pile of :poop: since Belves (who are actually Helves that didn’t spit on their own people and the tragedies they endured) are a Horde race. So we disagree that they belong in game, but you’ll get your High Elf looking Void Elf (which I also disagree with but eh… :poop: happens). But you guys are getting at least a compromise to take away from not only Belves but Velves too and its still not enough. You want it all and screw those who actually care about the identity of their favored races that have been in game (both Velf and Belf) because you want it and nothing else matters. This is why I can’t support any of this nonsense is because it has to be all or nothing with some of you (although I admit there are some who have shown some sense and accept what you got). And you try to justify it with mental gymnatic lore twisting and fan fiction to get it. THIS is what makes me want it not to happen most.


Both Stormwind and Ironforge still existed and remained loyal to the Alliance.

You are the one ignoring the lore here, the blood elves were always members of the Alliance first before they were ever members of the Horde. That is an unmutable fact of Warcraft lore.

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We are going to have to disagree here though. I think the blood elves changes, including joining the horde is pretty interesting take on a race stereotype that I’ve gotten kind of bored with over the years.

A small fraction of them that went with Kael did and they got screwed over and gave the entire bunch the finger when they escaped. That is not the entire population.

Look at your wording there. Joined the Alliance first, but not last. Horde got them last. They became Horde. They chose Horde.

Wow, I never though I say this or even think I say it like so many vets in the forums already said: “Give an inch…”

EDIT: Wait… its Sunday, darn fell again to a troll post… man they are getting better at creating these! :rofl:

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Thats his continuous theme, every since I’ve seen him posting on forums. Nothing new, won’t change. But it is a bit entertaining to imagine this vein in his forehead nearly bursting everytime someone disagrees with him. Or maybe I’m just laughing at what I imagine it looking like when someone disagrees with him. :rofl:

This would require a great deal of additional software infrastructure. Why not just ask for a High Elf allied race? It would be far simpler, and more flexible to boot.

That’s pretty much it. Lordaeron was destroyed and leaderless and Silvermoon was destroyed and most of its people killed. All you had left up in that corner of Azeroth were survivors trying to survive against an enemy that doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep, has no idea of self preservation, and doesn’t really need a logistical supply chain.

If it weren’t for a small list of reasons the scourge would’ve been victorious on all fronts.

And where were they during all of that?

Yeah, I thought so - No where to be found.


And it wouldn’t lay ground work for a bunch of non void elf flavored stuff to be added to void elves and maybe they could have customization added to them that actually reflects their story (again I do like them getting to look more like Alleria)

You are a genius.

Yeah you’re right, this entire thread is a waste of a post.

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I mean, both options are almost there already. it would be kinda silly to make them their own races at this point. At this point is just makes sense to add an alternative racial that does the same exact thing essentially.

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Never going to happen.

Ironforge sent help as soon as they could. Stormwind was too far to actually do much. Stormwind did take in as many survivors as they could and as shown by Southshore resent troops to keep lands that still belong to the living members of the Alliance.

And from the looks of Telargus Rift some are choosing Alliance again. Hell all the void elves were blood elves as well.

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Apparently they were never going to give the Alliance blue eyed peachy skinned elves but here we are.

From a game play perspective, racials are what define the race. Thus, different racials would be be implemented with different races.

I mean, if you think about it, the Wildhammer racial should be something like extra flying speed, or getting flying a patch early. That would certainly justify a new race.

Which amounted to nothing. Too little and far too late.

Stormwind did nothing. They did nothing because they could do nothing. They had their own problems. Stormwind was destroyed and needed rebuilding, not to mention what ever horde remnants that had eluded capture needed destroying.

An I hope you enjoy your customization, but there is no precident to believe that they’d start morphing a race into another race because a handful of people still want more…

Never happen.