Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

along with dark rangers, as playable forsaken options :stuck_out_tongue:

I think natural hair styles for VEs is a bad idea and I hope Blizzard does not further dilute the uniqueness of BEs and VEs both to go this route.

More void colors and options should be applauded however, and I would say both white and black hair fit the void theme as well so there is that.


Exactly :frowning:
Like "hey horde burned down your tree and slaughtered thousands, what’s that? you want them to suffer an eternity of undeath as well? OK raises night elves

Oh also btw the dead ones are getting sent to the maw lol sry sis"

dark ranges are a class not a race.

Dark Ranger is usually used to mean undead elves in general.


And yet everyone knows when people talk about them the options in question are Undead Elves.


Blizzard while you give void elves hair colors, please give me a name change ty.

They beat me to it.

At this point dark ranger class isn’t gonna happen anyways due to hunters inheriting most of the skill-set.

At this point all we can do is ask for them to be customization options.

Therefore not for forsaken like the person I was responding to said.

Your name is sus.

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It would be a neat equivalent to void elves having two skin sets

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Why not? Whether Dark Ranger or not, a Forsaken elf is a Forsaken elf.

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They are apart of the forsaken military, thus are forsaken. So they should be for forsaken options.

I don’t know what you mean by this.

It is a Horde request regardless. I favor them for BEs I do not mind if they lock Paladin out of the customization. Others favor them for Forsaken, if not for BEs I’d prefer San’layn as it’s own AR and have toggles to allow a regular undead elf fantasy.

But it’s a Horde request and when people say DR options that is what is being talked about.

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That’s an idea I didn’t hear in a while, I’d imagine though they would have to alter things a bit for it to work, Perhaps they all would have to have the the san’layn wings?

SILVER COVENANT is also due for an appearance!

Well San’layn have various features I would think could be toggled, like the fangs, claws etc I don’t think it would be hard to tie in the visual with them if they had their own AR. But I also think if undead elf customizations were a thing they could add toggles to give the San’layn visuals as well.

We could see Velonara working with what ever San’layn are introduced etc.

Really we will just have to see if they link any of the blood curse lore with any of the Covenants is my understanding.

The leader of the Forsaken is the literal ex-ranger general of Quel’thalas. Up until Sylvanas left, the blood elves and undead of Lordaeron were connected at the hip.

Bear in mind I don’t really care who gets the dark ranger options (I care more about receiving them at all), but the dark ranger stuff being handed over to blood elves will, rather effectively, keep them from becoming totally overshadowed by void elves (who are set to receive just about everything blood elves have, and more.) The forsaken, meanwhile, can have skeletal options other players have mentioned an interest in. Everybody wins.


I dunno, there wasn’t really much interaction past Tranquillien. Unlike, say, blood elves and Nightborne there hasn’t really been much crossover of their stories. The novels make it clear that Lor’themar is sort of uncomfortable around Sylvanas and goes out of his way to avoid talking to her.

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I would be uncomfortable too. Sylvanas is (or was) a war hero and prominent figure, Lor’themar has been around for a decade and does basically nothing interesting. The Jailer’s pit crew didn’t even care to kidnap him.

I would love to see where the blood curse story goes with san’layn to be honest, though unfortunately they don’t have much connections.

Good ideas, we can also see if they can implement the blood queen’s skin with some of them too.

She is an ex-high elf, the story with the high elves with her ends there, with only little interaction with them in BC, after that she has little to do with BE other then as the leader of the horde, and even then the BE did not trust her. I wouldn’t par her lore with BE lore after her first death.

I think it’s more of a mistrust issue then a “shy because she was a hero” issue.

I would be too, specially since she uses blight much to the displeasure of the rest of the horde.