Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

The Forsaken already occupy a distinctive niche for playable characters. The recurring theme I see in this thread is whether or not anyone will bother to play a blood elf if the void elves, a ‘secondary option’, are given all the exact same skin tones and hair colors blood elves have (which I think is a valid point.)

If I could wave a magic wand, I’d give Forsaken a multi-racial skeleton customization option (as I’ve seen demand for that) and give blood elves the dark ranger options. I would also push more for tattoos and runes, as seen in blood elf Burning Crusade-era concept art.

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So, you want to take the theme of being undead from forsaken so you can play dark rangers, While taking one of the forsaken’s iconic units from wc3 and allowing undead paladins in the game while the forsaken can’t be paladins?

Why play an undead forsaken when you can play BE for that undead theme and be a paladin? (Using your own argument for this :P)


You stay away from the Forsaken or a meteor shall land upon your head.

I’m curious to see what shades and colours they end up actually going with. I fully suspect natural hair colours, and I think they’ll do them in different shades than what is currently available to blood elves.

I just hope they include some longer and more elegant hairstyles while they are at it. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Preferably with braids. #ForAlleria :blue_heart:


I don’t know what’s worse. The balls, the hashtag use outside of twitter, or the fact that people continues to ignore Umbric exists…


I kind of think they are going to end up giving Night Elves some Dark Ranger options given what happened with Delaryn Summermoon. Hopefully we’ll get to see how that plays out sooner rather than later.

Would be odd considering that the story of dark ranger night elves is leading to them joining the forsaken…


I don’t think of many things as odd these days given all of the changes we’ve seen in World of Warcraft over the last 16 years.

I guess we’ll see where the writers take us. :relaxed:

Which is night elf dark rangers joining the forsaken… along with Calia leading the forsaken.

(waits for midare to bad talk me in gutterspeak :P)

I was under the impression that Ion Hazzikostas confirmed she would not become the new Forsaken leader. I guess that just goes to show how malleable the story is in the hands of writers and storytellers. You never know where we’ll end up.

when was this announced? I have heard no word of this? specially since the story is leading up to her becoming the leader.

Oh Ion Hazzikostas provided that information about a year ago now. Sometime in 2019 during an interview with Chinese fans.

So I guess we’ll see. :relaxed:

I was starting to like you… now that’s gone.

Anything’s fair game if it means the Alliances gets more stuff that wasn’t theirs to begin with hm?

Insert passive aggressive emoji here.

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Period. That’s it, that’s the post.

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Convenient, but not unexpected, follows the pattern pretty well.


That’s all she wrote my dear.

Somehow I doubt that is the case. I just don’t know, you don’t seem to be believable on this.

I suppose you forgot that I can see calia leading the forsaken as interesting story no? :stuck_out_tongue:

Let’s not think racial themes is fair game to take.

You don’t have to believe me, you can use google too you know. :joy:

I’m looking forward to new void elf hair colours, whatever they may be. :wink:

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Hopefully in the unnatural varity that is being asked from the VE community.

Nah, it’s on you to post a source. Make sure it’s credible :stuck_out_tongue:


give HIGH elf allied race/subrace-racial to void elves

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